31?? Really Kristine Gubas Ripley?? WTF? The joke is on me, Right? - TopicsExpress


31?? Really Kristine Gubas Ripley?? WTF? The joke is on me, Right? Ok... I will try and entertain you folks... I was given the number 31 (31 things you may not know about me) - If you like this post, you will be given a number to play along. Without further ado, let me write a freaking book! 1. Im a published author. 2. I believe that second place is the first loser. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169 is about all I can remember. 4. is my birth month (April) 5. I FIRMLY believe in the 2nd Amendment and that it is my right to bear arms. 6. Im an ENTP. 7. is my lovers birth month (shes a Leo). 8. Purple is my favorite color. 9. is my favorite number. 10. I like cereal (Capn Crunch Peanut Butter is best) anytime of the day. 11. I think of 9/11 every time I see the number eleven. I will NEVER forget. 12. is my birth day. 13. I love dry red wine. Cabernet Sauvignon is my favorite. 14. Smoking the hookah is fun for me. 15. My favorite dinner is filet mignon with a lobster tail... Surf and turf, baby! 16. The Punisher is my favorite super hero, even though he does not have a super power. 17. Im not only a beer snob, but refuse to drink that piss that most folks pass off as beer. 18. is double my favorite number. 19. is how old I was when I was told that I was HIV+ and was also told I wouldnt live more than two years. 20. I really do like looking at myself in the mirror *winks at self* 21. Blackjack! 22. is Kristines favorite number. 23. I will keep trying to climb Rainier until I summit or die. 2015 will be my fourth attempt. 24. My favorite cocktail is a Tanquerey Ten martini, bone dry, with onions and olives. 25. Chapter 25 in my book, Survivor (amazon/Survivor-Mans-Battle-Hemophilia-Hepatitis/dp/1450260306/) is about my marital affair... Read the book for gory details. 26. I smoke about four or five cigarettes a year. 27. is triple my favorite number (I can do this all day, folks). 28. Im a fitness freak! 29. My favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie. 30. 60% of my body is going through pain most of the time (my feet are non-stop excruciating). I do not like to complain. 31. is Kristines birth day. Whew!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:50:36 +0000

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