35. 4 Worlds /4 Problems /1 Solution Realizing that I was 1 man - TopicsExpress


35. 4 Worlds /4 Problems /1 Solution Realizing that I was 1 man living in 4 different worlds was one of the most liberating experiences Ive ever had. Liberating, because it gave me focus and purpose in life. It was as if I had just been born. Shaykh Hassan Cisses repeated advice over the years, for me to “Work for God and his Messenger”, had finally been realized. But the job would be immense. The work I was about to undertake was massive, simply because the problem I was seeking to solve was massive. The work was one, but the ‘Worlds’ that I would be operating in were very different. There was the world of Salafism/Wahabism. My goal here was to push back on the rhetoric and propaganda that these people were pouring into the world. The idea that Islam could be divorced from its spiritual dimension was so sickening to me. I would have to connect the dots for other Muslims with regards to these people and their poisonous ideologies. I had to somehow alert people to the fact that most of the extremists in the Muslim world came out of this ideological camp. I had to show people that Love, Tolerance and Forgiveness was the true way of the Prophet Muhammad. That, Islam had an intellectual and spiritual tradition (Ihsan) that was being covered up by this group with a blank check from their patrons….The Saudi Monarchy and its Petro-Dollars. This would be a formidable challenge given the fact that I was penniless ! Then, there was the world of Islam. The intention and goal here was to awaken the Muslim world to the hidden jewel they had in the tradition of Tassawuff (Sufism). Most Muslims in the past 150 years had been subconsciously programmed to view Tassawuf as something alien, strange and bad. I had to change this somehow. I had to counter the damage done to the collective psyche of the Muslim community. I wanted Muslims to know that Tassawuff was nothing more than…”Worshipping Allah as if you were seeing him, and if you weren’t seeing him, at-least knowing that he was seeing you” It was so simple…for me, but that reality wasn’t something easily recognizable to the masses. Centuries of trauma and misguidance had not only caused the Community of Muslims in the world to abandon their spiritual traditions, it also made them take for granted the basic traditions and systems that were part of our way since the early period. Wanting Muslims to understand and appreciate Tassawuff would be very difficult given the fact that they had forgotten and abandoned even the basic schools of Juridical thought (4 Madhabs). It was going to be an uphill battle. I was going to have to try and initiate an initiative that focused on education and exposure of Muslims to the Sufi tradition… That would take lots of Money. There was the world of Non-Muslims. The work in this world had to do with showing them that Islam was indeed a peaceful way of life. A religious tradition that valued all of the Abrahamic faiths and respected peoples right to believe in whatever they wanted. That, it is not part of our way to harm anyone unjustly. That, suicide bombing was an abomination and completely wrong. That, outrage did not only erupt from us when our Prophet was insulted….we were outraged when any of the Prophets were disrespected in any way. That, all life was sacred and sacrosanct. That, we were all citizens of the world and neighbors to each-other. This was going to be extremely difficult, do to the fact that the western media loved to concentrate on the ‘Mad-Minority’ as opposed to the ‘Beautiful-Majority’ of Muslims. The Media had all of the money and resources in the world. I had $50 in my pocket….. Finally, The world that I was most familiar with. The world that I was born into. The world of Tassawuff….. It was my intention to unite all of the people of Tariqa under one banner for one cause. I respected the different approaches of dedication and remembrance that each Tariqa had. My goal wasn’t to unite them with regards their religious works. I simply wanted to unite them under the umbrella of ‘Propagating Peace and Love among Humanity’. If the people of Tassawuff stood together and collectively utilized their resources…. Monetary resources as well as Spiritual resources (Prayers & Supplication), we would be an unstoppable force against evil and falsehood wherever it reared its head. These were my 4 worlds and their problems. At first I was totally enthusiastic and hyped about my lofty aspirations. I felt so alive and invigorated. I bought a notebook and began to write down my plans…. One evening I had a dream. I was the only person on the face of the earth. No people, no buildings, no animals, no trees. Just Me, the land and a vast ocean. I stood in amazement at the fact that the whole world was empty. Then from a distance, I could see something huge approaching me….. Closer…Closer…. Now I could make it out very clearly….It was the most frightening creature I had ever seen. It was something out of a sci-fi movie. It was a combination of 3 different animals. It had 3 different tails and a huge, disgusting body. But as I focused in on its head, I noticed something strange…It had a very beautiful face! It was smiling at me….. My heart was beating uncontrollably and I was on the verge of turning to run, until it spoke….. Thing…....”We have wanted to meet you for a long time Ibrahim. You are a very interesting man. You’ve proven to be very resilient. We know about your plans, and my advice to you is to live a quiet and simple life. What you are intending to do is quite impossible. The task is too great for you or anyone, and you will most definitely suffer if you try. Leave it alone….Leave it alone…..Leave it alone……..” ….The thing then let out a laugh that was so loud and horrible that I fainted immediately. As soon as I fainted, I woke up from the dream. My body was drenched in sweat and I was freezing cold. Never before have I had such a nightmare. Never before have I felt such hate and fear. The dream had deeply disturbed my peace. It had troubled my soul. It had sowed the seeds of doubt in my heart. Doubt about the success of my mission. I needed to tell someone quickly, and seek comfort from someone. I called Mudaris first, and told him about it. He told me that the dream was actually a good thing, and an indication that I was on the right path, and that I would need a lot of protection now. He told me to come by later for some prayers. I felt a little better, but the doubt was growing, it was beginning to take root. I needed to tell Shaykh Hassan Cisse. At first I was reluctant to call and bother him about a damned dream, but something told me that I had to. So, I called Shaykh….. Ring Ring……. Pickup. Shaykh…..”Salaamualaikum Baye” He often would somehow know that it was me calling without hearing my voice. Me…….”WalaikumSalaam Shaykh.” Shaykh……..”A messenger came to me just now and told me about your meeting.” Me……”My meeting?” Shaykh……..”Yes, you met your enemies today.” Shaykh had done this with me countless times but it never ceased to amaze me! Me…….”The dream was so real Shaykh. Who was the creature?” Shaykh…….” That three tailed monster was Shaytan (Satan), Your Nafs (Evil Self) and Dunya (The World). They came to greet you and warn you. Now, you have their attention.” Shaykh laughed and told me to tell him what was going on. I explained everything to him. I told him about my plans and what the creature in the dream told me. I told him about my doubts. I began to doubt the possibility of succeeding in such a great task. Shaykh Hassan listened quietly as I told him what was in my heart. When I was done, my heart was racing. I needed Shaykh to tell me to chill-out and leave the whole thing alone. I needed an excuse to abandon my mission. Shaykh finally spoke…. Shaykh…….”Baye, it is a good sign to meet those three companions. They are with you from the time you are born until you die. Their job is to take you away from the path of God. We don’t see them, but they are there. Alhamdulilah, you have seen them. They are real. The dream is an indication that your intentions are good. Continue Baye, and don’t fear anything. Our Lord is Great and we have to aspire to Greatness! Money is not the problem for you. Stay focused and do this work for Allah and his Messenger. Allah will provide you with everything.” Me……”Ok Shaykh, ThankYou” Shaykh……….”Alhamdulilah Baye….Say Alhamdulilah…..” Me…….”Alhamdulilah.” Shaykh……….”But be very careful now Baye. The Enemy has waged open war on you, so you must be aware of that. “ Me………”Ok Shaykh” Shaykh………”No worries, The Prophet and his people will defend you.” Me……”Alhamdulilah” Shaykh………”Salaamualaikum, Bye.” Me………….”Walaikum Salaam” As always, Shaykh Hassans words were like cool water for my heart. My fear turned to determination and my apprehensions turned into Zeal. It was time to work……….
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 13:52:32 +0000

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