4 Days to Election day....... - TopicsExpress


4 Days to Election day....... Community Updates on the General Political Environment. Zvimba West Ward 11 On the 26th of July 2013, two ZANU-PF supporters identified as Godfrey Jari and Frank Chadzimura assaulted Andrew Mubaiwa for wearing an MDC-T t-shirt. They also accused him of pulling down ZANU-PF posters that had been pasted at Jari Business Centre. The case was reported to the police but nothing has been done yet. Ward 11 A ZANU-PF supporter identified as Sydion Muringisi of Goronga village harassed Josiah Goronga for with an MDC district chairman. Muringisi threatened Goronga with death in the event that he continues to associate with the chairman. Mudzi Ward 10 On the 25th of July 2013, a group of ZANU-PF supporters led by Maguma who is also known as Zvanakira Tose carried out a forced march in Chinake village which is under Chief Mkota. They went around the village singing revolutionary songs and calling out names of people who are affiliated to MDC-T. The calling out of names was accompanied by death threats in the event that ZANU-PF loses the election. Mudzi North Ward 10 On the 26th of July 2013, a Marondera based ZANU-PF supporter identified as Lawrence Katsiru held meetings at Nyamuyaruka Business Centre and Vhombodzi village where he threatened villagers with war if ZANU-PF loses the election. At the meetings, it was resolved that on the 31st of July, people would meet at Milton Kachepa’s (outgoing Mudzi North ZANU-PF Member of Parliament) home then from there they will go to vote in the company of their village heads. After voting, they are required to go back to Kachepa’s home to have their names taken down. Rushinga Ward 14 On the 26th of July 2013, a group of ZANU-PF youths led by two identified as Comrade Chipo and Comrade Disaster went around the ward singing revolutionary songs and threatening MDC-T supporters with death if ZANU-PF loses the election. The group was coming from a rally that had been held at Chimhanda Business Centre. Buhera South Ward 33 Today Saturday 27 July, a group of ZANU-PF youths led by an ex-soldier identified as Peter Nendanga was camped at Birchenough Bridge business centre where they were forcing people to attend a rally that was being held at Kufakwatenzi Primary School. They also forced shop owners to shut down and attend the rally. Chiredzi East Ward 3 On the 22nd of July 2013, one Innocent Raza who is a police officer at Chiredzi police station was dismissed from work after he was suspected of having attended an MDC-T meeting that was held in the ward. Gokwe Sessame Ward 9 Today in Chaseta village, all MDC-T supporters were denied food aid supplies by a ZANU-PF affiliated villagehead identified as Garikai Chaseta and a war veteran called Artwell Mazunga. All the food supplies were given to ZANU-PF supporters who had managed to produce their party cards. Gutu Ward 14 On the 26th of July 2013, two ZANU-PF supporters identified as Richard Chigodora and Mrs Chigodora were carrying out door to door intimidation campaigns. They were asking people which political party they support. They went on to threaten anti- ZANU PF supporters with unspecified action if ZANU-PF loses elections. Gutu West Ward 1 Today in Shashe village, ZANU-PF affiliated war veterans were carrying out door to door campaigns looking for people who do not have ZANU-PF party cards. They were threatening them with death if ZANU-PF loses the election. Ward 32 On the 16th of July 2013, seven ZANU-PF supporters identified as Francis Rutsvara, Samuel Makumbe, Mr Rukuruwo, Mrs Rukuruwo, Mrs Vhoru, Mrs Muchingambi and Mrs Tembo harassed Tamari Mutowoni. They told her to vacate from her Gran B1 farm because she supports MDC-T. Chipinge Ward 29 A group of ZANU-PF supporters is going around the area removing Isaac Njanjeni’s (MDC-T candidate) campaign posters. The posters are being replaced with Jacob Chiuje’s (ZANU-PF candidate) posters. Chipinge South Ward 24 On 23 July 2013 at 20:10 hours, two ZANU-PF supporters identified as Tichaona Mayana and Chikonzero Mayana brutally assaulted Benson Chamwaizo at Mwanyisa Business Centre. They assaulted him for supporting MDC-T. The matter was reported at Chisumbanje Police station on the 25th of July but the police insisted that the victim must first produce a doctor’s report before the police can take any action. Guruve North Ward 11 On the evening of 26 July 2013, two ZANU-PF supporters identified as Angel Gwede and Shingirai Mbofana were moving around the ward telling MDC-T supporters to surrender their party regalia. They also threatened to burn the homes of all MDC-T supporters in the event that ZANU-PF loses the election. Ward 19 On the 26th of July, a group of ZANU-PF supporters was forcing people to attend their party meeting. At the meeting, all the ZANU-PF candidates were introduced and people were told to vote for them or they risked being chased away from the ward on 1 August. Zengeza 4 Today near the Aquatic Complex Centre, a ZANU-PF supporter identified as Gilbert Chikuzeni who is also known as Banda was threatening and intimidating people. He told people not to wear MDC-T regalia and also said that if ZANU-PF loses the election, there will be a repeat of the 2008 violence on 5 August.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:52:43 +0000

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