4 PEOPLE WERE DEAD IN BENGHAZI - BUT NO ONE IS CLEAR ON WHO OR WHAT SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR IT: OK, IT WAS THE VIDEO: 1. “Our current best assessment based on the information we have at present is that in fact what this began as was a spontaneous, not a premeditated, response to what had transpired in Cairo.” — Susan Rice The testimony now proves that the administration knew in advance. BLAMING THE VIDEO: 2. “What we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm U.S. interests.” — President Obama BLAMING THE REPUBLICANS: 3. “But the entire reason that this has become the, you know, political topic it is is because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.” — Stephanie Cutter (Obama’s campaign spokesperson) MORE BLAMING THE VIDEO: 4. “That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video, sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world.” — President Obama Important because the President’s defense has been ‘we corrected it’ and called Benghazi an act of terror two days later. This was after that. MORE VIDEO BLAMING: 5. “I know there are some who ask, why don’t we just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws. Our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech.” — President Obama So it’s still the “video” and claiming people are calling for speech to be limited. VIDEO’S FAULT: 6. “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior along with the protest that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.” — Hillary Clinton …how many times did they try to go down this road? VIDEO’S FAULT (ONCE AGAIN): 7. “We can all condemn this reprehensible video.” — Victoria Nuland That’s 3 members of the State Department…1 political operative…and the President. DISGUSTING VIDEO AT FAULT: 8. “Find the video that has been so offensive to Muslims to be disgusting and reprehensible.” — Jay Carney Seriously? VIDEO CAUSED EVERYTHING: 9. “To address the video circulating on the Internet that has led to these protests.” — Hillary Clinton Wow. HATEFUL VIDEO CAUSED EVERYTHING: 10. “Was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video.” — Susan Rice Well, if nothing else, she is persistent. ONE LITTLE VIDEO CAUSED ALL THIS MESS! 11. “And it is in response, not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video.” - Jay Carney …sigh. BLAMED ON A SPONTANEOUS EVENT: 12. “Now we do not yet have indication that it was preplanned or premeditated.” – Jay Carney Really? Because we actually know that you had information that the attack was premeditated days before the attack took place. One of the people in Benghazi called the State Department with concerns warning of the attack. Oops. BLAMED ON NOT ENOUGH SECURITY: 13. Reporter: “And CBS has learned that the U.S. mission in Libya reportedly -- repeatedly asked for better security before last month’s attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. A State Department officer says there were 13 confirmed security threats in the six months before the attack. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed three weeks ago.” “Well, we weren’t told they wanted more security and we did not know they wanted more security again.” —Joe Biden That’s cute, Joe. RE-WRITTEN TALKING POINTS NOT AN ISSUE: 14. “The White House and State Department have made clear that the single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those two -- of these two institutions were changing the word consulate to diplomatic facility because consulate was inaccurate.” — Jay Carney …odds Jay Carney has this job a year from now? WE WILL GET JUSTICE! BUT, WAIT, THE VIDEO GUY IS IN JAIL ALREADY: 15. “And make no mistake: We will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.” — President Obama Well…the video guy is in prison — no terrorists from this attack yet though. YUP - THAT DARN VIDEO CAUSED ALL THIS PROBLEM: 16. “You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who is extremely offensive video directed at Mohammed and Islam. We had nothing to do with the video.” —President Obama The video? Again? Come on guys… CIA’S FAULT: 17. “It’s not a matter of blaming, that’s just the facts. Sometimes intelligence has to catch up with the reality on the ground. This was one of those cases.” — David Axelrod Doesn’t the intelligence normally come from information on the ground? Throwing the CIA under the bus is never the smart choice, David. DARN REPUBLICANS DID IT: 18. “First I pretty the faux outrage from the RNC and the Republican Party.” — Stephanie Cutter Somehow this is one of the masterminds behind Obama’s re-election. JUST SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED WHEN SOME GUYS WENT OUT FOR A WALK: 19. “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they would go kill some Americans?” — Hillary Clinton Something tells us it’s starting to make a difference to Hillary (and her 2016 presidential hopes). HMMM…O.K., IT WAS THE VIDEO AFTER ALL: 20. “Let’s be clear: These protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region.” – Jay Carney glennbeck/2013/05/14/the-top-20-benghazi-lies/?utm_source=Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2013-05-14_220226&utm_content=5004049&utm_term=_220226_220233
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 23:26:17 +0000

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