40 Churches Burned_ Looted or Destroyed in Egypt Print Article - TopicsExpress


40 Churches Burned_ Looted or Destroyed in Egypt Print Article | Email Article | Write To Us Blogs » Edward Pentin EdwardPentin 40 Churches Burned, Looted or Destroyed in Egypt by Edward Pentin Friday, August 16, 2013 9:35 AM Comments (27) The video above (warning: contains some violent images) is CCTV footage showing a mob attacking St. Georges Coptic Orthodox church in Sohag, Upper Egypt, a couple of days ago. The images havent been independently verified, but reports coming out of the country say 64 churches and institutions, including many belonging to the Coptic Catholic Church, were attacked in one day by Islamist mobs opposed to the current government. The website Protect the Pope has the full list here. Fr. Rafiq Greiche, spokesman for Egypts Catholic bishops, told Vatican Radio today that 40 churches - 10 Catholic and 30 Orthodox, Protestant and Greek-Orthodox - have been looted or burned, if not totally destroyed. Asia News reports that in addition to churches, the fundamentalists attacked monasteries, schools and many shops and houses inhabited by Christians. Several homes and shops were marked with a cross, and with violent slogans, as if to indicate them as a target for future attacks. The attackers turned on Coptic Christians after its leadership supported the unseating of President Mohamed Morsi, the country’s first Islamist president. Morsis enforced departure followed mass protests calling for his resignation at the end of June, brought upon by severe fuel shortages and electricity outages. He was formally ousted by the military on 3 July, together with a council that included the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb, and Pope Tawadros II, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:57:54 +0000

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