#4207 THE LADY IN MY COMPARTMENT:ADMINS CHOICE (WORTH A READ) The whistled sounded and the train started its journey towards its destiny again. I gazed through the windows and could see nothing except some lighting far far away. I felt as if I was passing through some paddy field. My journey as a student has come to an end after a long time span of 20 years. I had completed my masters from a reputed institute of Bangalore. Soon realized this time I was going back home as a jobless stud. My bogie was full of young lads and girls who I felt were students getting back home after their semester exams. After some time, a guy raised the topic of ghosts and paranormal activities. Everyone seemed to be so curious about the topic and girls too joined him. I was just listening to their conversations while staring through the windows. Many of them dismissed the existence of these ghosts or evils. Suddenly a lady joined the conversation from near the window of opposite side of mine and put forwarded her view that she do believe in all these and have come across ghosts. This statement of hers gained my attention and forced me to see who dat woman was. She was an elderly lady, may be in her mid 60s wearing a light colored sari and a large red bindi on her forehead. Everyone taking part in the conversation including myself was curious to know about the incident. She started the story by describing about the earthquake in 1950, what the sufferings of the people were and how miserable deaths they had to face. At that time, she said that her family were residing in relief camps as their house were destroyed by that mighty earthquake. She was just around 10-12 years at that time. One evening when she was playing hide and seek with her friends near a forest area, she lost her way trying to hid herself and ended up in the midst of jungle. Suddenly she saw a large crowd of people coming towards her. At the first instance she was relieved on finding so many people as they would help her in finding the way out but when they came close, she realised that no one had legs, as if they were kind of walking in the air. She quickly hid herself behind a tree and the crowd passed by without doing any harm to her. She told us that such incidents were very common in those dayz when thousands of people lost their lives in that earthquake. Amidst all those conversation I dint realise the time whisked away so fast that it was almost 1 am. I quickly laid down my upper berth and soon got lost in my dreams. The shouts of those pantry boyz asking for tea woke me up the next morning. I stared around trying to find that lady but she was no where. I felt she might have got down somewhere that early morning. After one day I too reached my home town and went straight to my house. I quickly freshened up and after having my meal I saw that days newspaper. That time my father used to read the Telegraph. Soon I buried myself into the newspaper and kept turning the pages. All of a sudden my eyes caught the attention in the obituary section. The photograph of the same lady with the same appearance with that large was published in the newspaper. On that very day, it was her 13th death anniversary That moment my heartbeat skipped. I dint believe in all these stories and even when she herself was describing that. From that evening I had high fever and was bed ridden for around 4-5 dayz 26/M
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:26:49 +0000

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