5 Golden Life Lessons from My 10km Run Change that is self - TopicsExpress


5 Golden Life Lessons from My 10km Run Change that is self initiated is always better than that which is forced on you. In the spirit of change, I decided to do something about the extra kilos I have been carrying around, since I love running, to running 10 kilometers around my neighborhood as part of my exercise plan. In the preparation for the run and the actual run, I have drawn several lessons that hold true to life and business. The run was going to be all about me, so I had to determine and establish the why of the running. My why , was to lose 12 kilos by combining diet with running. First, I had to establish a goal of the distance I wanted to cover (10Km), get my running gear together and a detailed route map to follow. If you don’t have the right tools to get the job done, it makes the execution of the job much harder and painful. I got myself good road running shoes, running clothes and reflector accessories for visibility, which is a safety requirement. To get my running route mapped out, I had to get into my car and drive around to mark out the route I wanted to take. It takes doing some work to get things going, preparation is key. No one can run for you and this also applies to the race of life, we each have to run our own races. Determine for yourself; What is your present goal- start a business, go back to school or change an aspect of your life you have been putting off? What is the why of your life. Why do you do, what you do? What work needs to be done to get you ready to start? What are the expected end results? For me it is 12 kilos lighter. Next, I had to determine for myself when I was going to run and I had three options; morning, midday or evening. You find running being a personal thing, different people have different running time preferences. For me early morning are my best times; where I feel am performing at my peak. Timing is everything! What I learnt, is that my success is largely influenced by timing, for I could have all the best intentions in the world to run my 10kays but if I ran at midday I would fail miserable and in the evening I would manage some but not perform at peak due to the hectic schedule I have to keep during the day. What works for others may not work for you, find out what works for you in line with your beliefs, goals and values in your life and business. The day of the race, did finally dawn and all geared up at 5.45am I look to the road. I started very well, smelling the fresh air and using the morning quietness as a my reflection time. Three kilometers into the run, pain started in areas I didn’t know I was supposed to feel pain. Three elements were now working against me; the pain, the wind was chilly and the feeling that I should quit and try to run next time. I became distracted, and this is the third life lesson I learnt. As we move in life, distractions will come from an external or external source. My internal source was the chilly wind which caused my face and fingers to freeze and the internal source was the pain and feeling of wanting to give up to go back home. At that moment, I had to tap into my why, why was I out there early in the morning? I was committed and not merely interested in losing the extra kilos; and was willing to do what it takes; a classical case of mind over matter. I had to constant remind myself that I am actually stronger than I think and I focused on taking one step at a time. One thing for sure distractions will come into your life may it be from within you- like thoughts, habits or fear; or outside you through other people, economy, political changes. Whatever the source, how will you chose to deal with them? Making up my mind that giving up was not an option open to me, I continued strong. As I was running I came across other runner on the route and with a wave of hand we acknowledged each other. Here I was giving it my all and this people were just fly past me, I literally looked like I was walking and not running at all. Remembering that this was my race; and my goal was to be the best I can be, I encouraged myself to keep going as there was no step wasted for each step I took was bringing me closer to the finishing line. Life lesson being, don’t compare yourself to other people__there will always be someone better than you. The finishing line was not looking too far off, 7kays into the run with 3 more to go. I truly feeling happy with myself. On turning the corner, I had totally forgotten, there was a steep hill ahead of me. All those happy feeling disappeared into the rising sun, being so near yet far. My strategy at the beginning was to run all the way, but the circumstances I faced of a distance of 1 Kay up hill forced me to re-evaluate my plan. Choosing to walk/run up the hill looked like the most wise thing to do; and I was determined to conquer the hill and not it conquering me. I was laboring to walk/run this hill, my heart was threatening to bail out on me, a gentleman in a blue car driving the opposite direction slowed down next to me. First , I thought what’s his story and was a bit apprehensive getting ready to make a run for it if need be. He rolled down his window, and said to me, “you can make it all the way to the top, just keep putting one foot in front of the other”. In between my gasps for air, I mumbled a thank you and an affirmation that I was going to get to the top of the hill. Life lesson learnt; In the race of life or business, expected or unexpected mountains will come your way which you must climb to reach your goals, climb them and don’t run away. In the climbing you may need to change your well laid out game plan or strategy, change it ,for plans are made to be changed. As you climb people may come your way to encourage you but if no one comes, encourage yourself. Well! Well! I made to the top of the hill and ran all the way home and, have been running this route every Saturday morning since. As you run your race of life; remember to know your whys? Your timing, the distractions, be aware of other people, and the mountains (challenges) to climb to the achievement of your goals. See you on the other side of your finishing line! About the Author: Petronilla MM is an Author, Speaker and Coach. Her expertise is in Personal Development and Leadership as she believes every person alive, including YOU, are mean to be living a life that is happy, fulfilled and rewarding. You can visit her on twitter or facebook for on-going tips and recommendations for meaningful life-long success and happiness. You can follow Petronilla on Facebook on https://facebook/petronillamm Copyright © 2014. Petronilla Muriuki Musau. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.petronillamm
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 13:10:07 +0000

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