5 More will be Lovingly Revealed - TopicsExpress


5 More will be Lovingly Revealed 030314 telempathy1.wordpress/2014/03/04/more-will-be-lovingly-revealed/ Last night, right before going to sleep, when I was praying more sincerely than usual, due to the possible market crash, and the Ukraine War ramping up, I asked for help to remain in continual meditation to also remain open hearted to receive clear guidance to help and support. About 3:30 AM I was awakened, and still in a more conscious awareness of something coming to me. I was with a sort of collection-accumulation of iconic partners, that had stolen treasures from the church we were in, and they/‘all together as One’, were getting swept away in a flood current. I was in between choosing to save them, or to turn and face the church ‘police’, that remained in a hubristic arrogance chasing them. I was still only focused on some sort of unleavened flat round biscuits, and I was cutting this stack of thin 10 inch rounds in strips, and then the other way, to make little square bites more user friendly. My new blue car was with me in this particular church chamber wing, and I was really embarrassed as I turned and faced the music. I sighed deeply back to the church ‘deputy dog’, and exclaimed “I travel all over the World visiting hermitages and monasteries, and these special breads are what I have to offer to everyone wherever we devotees get together”. Notice of any others faded almost immediately just as I even surprised myself by what I had exclaimed. My take on all this to use for guidance, comes from just yesterday asking for help to forgive myself more deeply, when I had discovered awareness how many ways my guilt was still manifesting in a sort of bravado, without any real humble inner Peace. I also was granted yesterday, a great relief, when I confessed, and asked for help to forgive myself. I had been so ashamed of remaining a victim of neediness for partners, that had held me emotional hostages, more like my parents had owned me. Churches use religion to control the masses with actual police, and soldiers all through eons, so the authority that showed up were their metaphor, that I was no longer so frightened of either. My new confidence cleared the air completely when I spoke, as the church police deferred to my innocence, and more has come to me today. My life choice with so many absolutely preposterous, and unimaginable unmentionables, :) has had to have been meant for me to experience such traumas, so that when Spirit heals me, my ‘old soul’ sort of perception, leads me to believe that I have had many life times as a Monk and Mystic before like this one. I can see how much we all suffer, and I continually experience just how much Spirit, and God love us all so much, so today I really needed to get a clearer glimpse of my realer value as a Spirit, than ever before today, when I was only ready to receive this vision. It also came to me that I had eaten the body of Christ before in sincere ceremonies, but this life time I was turning within to Spirit, instead, without remaining attached to any outside need for sick loyalty to authoritarian hubristic partners, or church rituals. Today, a clearer connection to my gender free Spirit Inner Child Conscience, has bedazzled me all day with giggly delight, and Spirit humor, so this vision is replacing life time dreams of physical allegiance, it seems. Physical partners, and religious church doctrines really have dominated many lives, still remaining in a sick loyalty to these beguiling fear illusions, so temporary, un-really. It just occurred to me that sharing this experience from just being myself, may actually resonate with others who still remain seeking all over the World for what, evidently remains just inside all of each of us. Maybe others like to hear stuff like this, and I wonder even more now if “The more personal the more Universal? I had written this a couple years ago, and it also may have helped precede what this vision has come to mean to me today. I never really know what anything means, but this vision is like all good dreams, that never stop working as long as we trust the very step we’re on will eventually lead us more inside than outside, right, my open hearted Spirit friends? A soul statement is not only An essence statement for the individual But simultaneously as “The more personal, the more Universal” An individual deep Sovereign statement Becomes an essence statement For our ONENESS collective
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 01:01:14 +0000

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