5 Ways To Enjoy Your Single Life 1. Ignore negative people In - TopicsExpress


5 Ways To Enjoy Your Single Life 1. Ignore negative people In our world, we often find people who always say negative things about being single. They can be our own friends or relatives. They seem to indicate single life as a mistake. Perhaps they are joking, but some people often regard it as a serious thing. My advice: Dont take it seriously! Relationship is about commitment and a learning process to know each other. Its not all about status! Its not a status to be posted on your Facebook or to be proud of in front of your friends. Let us live a happy single life than to force ourselves to look for a boy/ girlfriend. I doubt we will live happily if we are in a relationship with someone we dont really love. 2. Focus on friendship One thing that we have to emphasize: Single is not equal to loneliness. In fact, we have more freedom to spend time with our friends. You have less time to spend with them if you already have a boyfriend/ girlfriend. It is certain. Single or in a relationship has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as other things in this world. It all depends on us whether we focus on advantages or disadvantages. Unfortunately, single people tend to choose the latter. This is what should be changed. 3. Enjoy your freedom Besides you can enjoy more time with your friends, the other advantage of being single is we free to express ourselves. We can play video games without fear of being scolded by our girlfriend for forgetting to pick her up, we can watch movies without fear of being terrorized by our boyfriend/ girlfriends call, or we can focus on building our careers without fear of his/her cranky behavior destroy our mood. See? Theres so much more than meets the eye, there are a lot of things that we can do while being single. Once again, it depends on our mindset. 4. Read books or listen to music that inspire you Read books that teach you to appreciate and enjoy life. Read inspirational stories that always make you feel spirited. Also listen to songs that evoke your optimism. Avoid listening to heartbroken songs too much that make you feel even more depressed. Heartbroken songs only effective for a while not for the long run. 5. Being in a relationship/ married is a lifestyle choice not a demand. A relationship should be our own choice rather than demands from the society, family, and friends. We choose him/her because our hearts say yes. Never assume that, if I am in a relationship, then Ill be happy. Throw away that thought! Happiness will never come from a forced thing. Well, the conclusion is, single or in a relationship should not be something that influence us to enjoy your life. They both have advantages and disadvantages. So, in the end, everything depends on your point of view. The other similarity between single and relationship is, both require us to be responsible. Responsible to yourself... And others.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:47:01 +0000

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