5 to 8 Here is more earthly advice from Paul. Do you want life to - TopicsExpress


5 to 8 Here is more earthly advice from Paul. Do you want life to go well for you? Then listen to Paul. This is not salvation advice. Too many people confuse verses like these and enter into a life of uncertainty and spiritual struggle. But God wants us to know that we are just fine with Him through faith in the cross of Jesus for our sins. Paul also told us that the man who works, the wages are not a gift, but an obligation. Spiritual workers try to obligate God to them. But the man who does not work, but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited for righteousness. So with God we do not work, but not so with man or earthly things. This is what Paul is talking about here. Earthly servants should listen to their masters. They should listen to them with the Hebraism, “with fear and trembling.” A Hebraism is a linguistic feature typical of the Hebrew language. The phrase “with fear and trembling” means with all seriousness. The people who give man-pleasing eye-service will not have life go well for them. They do themselves more harm than good. For Heaven, God’s will is for you to believe in His Son. For earth, God’s will is for life to go well for you. If you are sincere and mentally honest with your boss, you will enjoy favor from your superiors and you will be doing God’s earthly will for you. God wants you to be kind to your boss. God wants you to pretend you are working for Him, not your boss. This will encourage you to do the right thing. If you do this, you will receive as from the Lord, not only from men. God will provide for your earthly life as you work as unto Him. God will provide for you, as you, in God’s will, provide for yourself. Paul will address the employers next.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:15:34 +0000

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