6-23-2013 What worries me most, is all those young people in 2008 - TopicsExpress


6-23-2013 What worries me most, is all those young people in 2008 who worked their butts off for Obama, many of whom were participating in the political arena for the first time. There was hope and the chant, “Yes We Can” rang loudly. How will they react after 8 years of the Obama administration where the gap between rich and poor got wider, where our guaranteed civil liberties got compromised, where their country became militarized? Will they ever have the desire to participate again? Will they recognize that either Democrat or Republican, the winner serves corporate America? Will they begin to recognize that real change will not take place at the ballot box? Yesterday, I read an article by a young man who wries for the Black Agenda Report, Danny Pforte. I would like to use some excerpts from his article which identify my concerns. The Best Corporate Brand Yet: President Barack Obama by Danny Pforte “Who else would be able to do what the Obama administration has done with impunity? The Obama team wasted no time waging new wars across the globe while simultaneously escalating the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles. They used NATO to overthrow the independent government in Libya in a racist, genocidal coup. Syria and Iran are next in line. US drones are now a common cause of death and terror for North African and Middle Eastern communities. The US African Command (AFRICOM) has further militarized Africa, which is present in all but two nations on the continent. Assata Shakur, a Black liberation exiled freedom fighter, is a most wanted terrorist as of this calendar year. The financial elites responsible for the largest transfer of wealth to the top 1 percent of the population from the 99 percent receives trillions in bailouts while people are losing their homes and jobs in high numbers. Even in the midst of staggering levels of poverty and unemployment for all and Black people especially, public schools are being turned over for profit and Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid are on the chopping block. Healthcare costs continue to soar. Obamacare does more for the profits of big pharmaceuticals and insurance companies than it does to expand coverage to Americans. Civil liberties have been eroded to dust with the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act and the re-authorizing of the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act is now under scrutiny after the NSA was caught spying on the private lives of US citizens.” Just as people tip-toed around the anti-progressive, or should I say regressive policies of Bill Clinton, they are repeating the same behavior with Barack Obama. We should stop listening to what he says and watch what he does. His first acts as president was to appoint Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff and Tim Geithner and Larry Summers as treasury secretary and financial advisor. These folks are far from progressives as you can see from the rebellion in Chicago where Emanuel is mayor and the fact that Summers and Geithner were instrumental in helping the financial crash we’ve been dealing with the past seven years. Those appointments as well as other actions should have raised flags, but they didn’t. We have to stop seeing Mr. Obama as our savior, he is just another corporate shill.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 16:52:43 +0000

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