7 Universal Steps to Creating Wealth If everything you have - TopicsExpress


7 Universal Steps to Creating Wealth If everything you have done and know up to now did not get you the wealth you desire, may be you are going something wrong or you might not be doing what it takes. Which every way, it is our believe what the mind can conceive can achieve as physiologist found out, you see if you change what you think then you change what you do because before actions are thoughts and your actions has outcomes so if you change your thought your change your outcomes which in this case the wealth you need. Now Learning is a two type, one being putting to practising what we know and taught and the other being the skill gained to find out what we dont know. If you have not acquired more than bare existence in the years since you were youth and we are talking about money here, it is because you either have failed to learn the laws that governs the creation of wealth or else you do not observe them. Glory to God, it is a real joy to share with you the 7 universal steps to creating wealth for you, your family, the little once and others and for free. In fact we hope you do the same. Like any thing else in life it is the preparation and effort that get result. Putting the following steps to work will see you out of the average into abundance that you seek. As the saying goes “people of actions are favoured by the goodness of good luck”. We must start our journey to durable wealth somewhere via the gates of hard work and there is no better time than now. Here are the 7 steps: 1. Earn Money 2. Control Spending 3. Save money 4. Invest money 5. Invest wisely 6. Learn 7. Repeat 1. Earn Money There is no way a round it, you actually need to earn money even though the wealth you seeking may not come this way. You need seed money to be able create wealth. The purpose of your day job should not be just to meet your daily needs. From now on see it as a fund for creating of wealth as well. Money is a tool you are going to use to create wealth so it is precise row substance and investing is the process that turn your row substance into tangible desire. Never look down on small beginnings. 2. Control Spending Now you have set your desire to create wealth. You need to budget around that goal or desire. Each of us together with our good families have more desires than our earnings can gratify. why can’t we just get by for now and enjoy what ever our heart desire after we create the wealth that we seek? Study thoughtfully of your accustomed habits of spending. In doing so you may find certain accepted expenses that might wisely be reduced or eliminated. The purpose of budget is to help build wealth creating fund, it will also enable you to bring to past your most cherished and noble desire by defending the fund from your casual wishes. 3. Save Money People save but not for a purpose of creating wealth. It is time to start saving for purpose of creating wealth. What we need to do is save a minimum of 10% of our income before we spend any of it in special wealth creating account, every time we get paid. Don’t pay the supermarket, the shoe seller, cloth seller or pay the bill collector out of your wealth creating fund. Wealth like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent saving, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath it’s shade. 4. Invest money If you would become wealthy, then what you save for a purpose of creating wealth must earn. Money, indeed is a willing worker. Every copper you save is a slave to work for you. Every copper it earns is its child must also earn for you. This concept my friend is sufficient to change the mind of a sheep herder into the mind of money lender. No matter how small you fund is, we are happy to tell you there is something out there you can invest in if you just seek it out. The way to wealth is on the road called work just pass job exactly opposite on the right side of business. The building is called investments, tenth floor but watch out of the dog by the name of self employment. 5. Invest wisely You cant just go about invest anyhow you like, money cling to protection of caution owners who invest it under advice of men wise in its handling. Opportunity and chance comes to all, as they come let us invest in wisely because money slip away from owners who invest it in business which he is not familiar with or not approved by those skilled in its keep. 6. Learn Increase your ability to earn by constantly studying how to be the best you can be in investing. You must have a burning desire for more information on every area of investing, even on topics you will not need to know for years. Make your mind up now to enlarge your thinking. In order to have a large vision and pursue it you need new skills. The formula of wealth is this: preparations + practice = practical wealth and they did not preparation you at school for it. 7. Repeat Repeat the above steps again and again until you achieve your goal, that is create the wealth you desire. A little advice though don’t stop when you become rich as long as you are able keep working your system. If you just follow those steps you should be on your way to become wealthy. The wealthy don’t work for a money but their money work for them. This idea in your head and your willingness to become wealthy should see you into earning real money. To finish this class we would like to flip in a though in your head, rather that opening one shop why not have one in every town in the world, think big. You dont have to have clever or have unique product line to make money look at McDonald they dont make the best burger in town do they but yet they make billions. What ever you do don’t join a MLM.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 07:49:52 +0000

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