70 Years Ago Today: Wednesday, July 5,1944 European Theater, - TopicsExpress


70 Years Ago Today: Wednesday, July 5,1944 European Theater, (POINTBLANK) 8th Air Force Mission 453 – 79 B-17s are dispatched to the Netherlands, and 221 B-24s bomb airfields and V-weapon sites in France, escorted by 192 P-51s. 71 B-17s hit the Beziers marshalling yard, escorted by a force of 228 P-47s and P-51s. Two P-47s and three P-51 are lost, with the pilots listed as missing. In 8th Air Force fighter-bomber action, 93 P-47s bomb targets in France, losing two P-47s and two P-38s, with the pilots listed as missing. 70 B- 17s, from the 8th Air Force, on a UK-USSR-Italy-UK shuttle mission, join B-24s, from the 15th Air Force, to attack a marshalling yard at Beziers, France, while on the last leg from Italy, to the UK. 42 P-51s return to UK with the B-17s. During the night, the RAF dispatches 321 Lancasters, 201 Halifaxes, and 20 Mosquitos to attack two flying bomb launching sites and two storage facilities. 154 Lancasters are sent to the main railway area at Dijon, 35 Mosquitos hit Scholven/Buer and 10 more hit Düren. European Theater, Battle of Normandy The 9th Air Force sends a force of about 180 B-26s and A-20s to bomb bridges at Caen, also hitting sidings, tracks, and rolling stock. In the afternoon four NOBALL (V-weapon) headquarters are hit. Over 600 fighters escort the bombers. In US First Army area, the 35th Division begins landing on the Continent. VIII Corps overruns the railroad stations at La Haye-du- Puits. VII Corps continues to make slow progress toward Priers. Mediterranean Theater The 15th Air Force dispatches almost 500 bombers to attack targets in France. Close to 200 fighter sorties are flown in support of the mission. Italian Campaign 12th Air Force B-25s bomb the Villafranca di Verona marshalling yard, the Aulla railroad bridge, and the Ostiglia fuel dumps, while A-20s blast a supply dump and rail lines, and fighter-bombers hit tracks, bridges, roads, and other targets in the battle area. In US Fifth Army’s IV Corps area, the 135th Infantry, of the 34th Division, gains about half of Rosignano, as stubborn fighting continues. In the British Eighth Army area, XIII Corps meets stiffening resistance all along the battle line. In the British X Corps area, the Indian 10th Division reaches Umbertide, while the Germans are again withdrawing in front of the advance. In the Polish 2 Corps area, Badia falls to the 3rd Carpathian Division. As a result of the decision to undertake Operation ANVIL, General Wilson issues a new directive calling for the Allied Armies in Italy (AAI) to advance to the Po River line, and from there to a line extending from Venice, to Padua, to Verona, to Brescia. He promises that the US 92nd Division and a Brazilian division may be expected as reinforcements, with the 92nd arriving around September 15 and the Brazilian division by the end of October. China – Burma – India Theater (China) The 14th Air Force sends 136 fighter-bombers and 64 B-25s to attack targets throughout the Tungting Lake area, in China. Meanwhile, 22 B-24s bomb a supply and ammunition depot at Canton, six B-25s attack airfields in the area, and five B-24s lay mines in Shanghai harbor. China – Burma – India Theater (Burma) The 10th Air Force dispatches a group of over 20 P-40s and A-36s to continue support in the Myitkyina sector, of Burma, while 12 other aircraft fly armed reconnaissance in the same area. On the Salween front, the Chinese 8th Army, which has assembled east and south of Sung Shan, begins an assault on that enemy stronghold after night-long arty preparation. Southwest Pacific Area The Far East Air Force (FEAF) launches light air strikes in support of troops on Noemfoor Island, and B-24s bomb airstrips and anti-aircraft guns on Yap Island and Woleai Atoll, also hitting Sorol Atoll and Peleliu Island. On Noemfoor, the 1st Battalion, of the 158th Infantry, on Hill 201, repels the only major counterattack offered by the Japanese during the Noemfoor operation, early in morning, and virtually annihilates the enemy force of 350 to 400 men. In the Wakde-Sarmi area, elements of the 63rd Infantry take the crest of Mt. Saksin. Central Pacific Area 7th Air Force P-47s fly fighter-bomber operations over Saipan, Rota, and Tinian Islands. On Saipan, the V Amphibious Corps begins the final phase of the assault on island.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 12:13:20 +0000

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