#70daysFAPP #copied Mr Popoola came back from Liberia three - TopicsExpress


#70daysFAPP #copied Mr Popoola came back from Liberia three weeks ago when he found out that, Ebola has taken over the country, he decided to run away from Liberia back to Nigeria his own country, at least it is better for me to be a servant in my own country and live a peaceful life than being a boss in Liberia and contact the Ebola Virus. But on getting to Nigeria, he saw his hand swollen up, and the Taxi driver who picked him from airport asked him, sir, what is wrong with you, he said I don’t know, I just came back from Liberia, and I found this on my hand, on hearing that, the Taxi man quickly pushed him out of his car shouting, you have contacted Ebola, and the Taxi man ran away. Where the Taxi Man pushed Mr. Popoola is a market place. People walking by asked him, Man, what did you do to that Taxi man that makes him to pushed you away from his car like that, did he robbed you? He said, I don’t know, I only showed him my swollen hand that I don’t know what happen to it because it was not so when I left Liberia, but hearing that the whole market became empty. People ran away from him because they were even much afraid than those in Liberia. Mr. Popoola was confused and was crying, not care about his age. Then he saw a church far away, shouting Holy Ghost fire! fire!! fire!!!, he taught within himself, it’s better to run to that church so that they can pray for me, I believe I will be healed with their prayers. On getting there, the members were even more than 10,000, he said within himself, 1 will put a thousand to fight, this crowd will destroy my sickness. then he quickly rushed to the altar, kneeling down before the pastor saying, Pastor pleeeeeease I need your prayer, I don’t want to die, and pastor asked him the matter is, he said people said I have Ebola, within a minute, the whole church is empty. The pastor forgot he still has the church microphone in his hand, and he’s already in the toilet. Remaining one man in the church, Who is a believer and a doctor too, he come closer,in his mind, whatsoever happened, let it happen. He is my neighbor and must not run from him but help him. He came closer to him to examine him, but was not Ebola, it was an ordinary boil. (Let’s stop here) At last satan finally achieved his aim by purring fear into the mind of believers, after all, when they die in fear they will end up in hell for the bible says, the fearful shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Rev21:8). Children of God, warning and preaching Ebola to people, you need to repent and ask for God mercy because you are limiting the power and the promises of the lord and his words and you are exalting satan and his evil spirit called Ebola. We are not the one to be afraid of being contacting Ebola, because no matter what, Ebola can never affect a true child of God, satan will not even allow that because any child of God who died of Ebola, will bring tears from the eyes of satan, because, a child of God that died without sin, is a great loss to his kingdom. Ever since I’ve being studying the word of God, News testament, especially, I’ve you ever come across a place where Jesus laid his hand on one of his apostle because he was sick? True followers of Christ are always healthy. Fears and faith can never walk together, and when you are afraid of contacting Ebola, then you lack faith and you are not fit for the kingdom of God. If you are a true child of God, sickness will be afraid of you. The fear of Ebola will hindered you of carrying on your duties as a child of God, and you won’t want to laid your hand on anyone sick of Ebola, and not doing that, you are disobeying the bible that says (MRK 16:17 AND THESE SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW THEM THAT BELIEVE; IN MY NAME SHALL THEY CAST OUT DEVILS; THEY SHALL SPEAK WITH NEW TONGUES; 18 THEY SHALL TAKE UP SERPENTS; AND IF THEY DRINK ANY DEADLY THING, IT SHALL NOT HURT THEM; THEY SHALL LAY HANDS ON THE SICK, AND THEY SHALL RECOVER.) and disobeying this scripture you will not be fit for the kingdom of God. Who are the one giving you this report, majority are people who doesn’t believe in God existence isn’t it? Why must you allow doctors who does not or little understanding of the bible, dictating how you must live your life with scientific experimental? Telling you not to talk to someone infected with Ebola when your master ordered you to preach to him/her? Why must you tell you not to eat some particular food or meat when the Lord has declared all things sanctified? Imagine a Pastor warning his member not to shake anyone, how could such statement comes out of a Man of God, helping satan to place fear on members? if you start avoiding yourself here on earth, how can you enter the Lords kingdom, or do you think you can avoid yourself there? Christians are bringing tears from the eyes of the lord Jesus days and night because they are all living in ignorant, they fails to understand the deep secret of satan. Believe it or not you are helping satan to do his work indirectly without knowing, why must you exalt the word of a man above God’s word? This is the kind of spirit that is killing the Jehovah witnesses, scientist and Pagans of today and will you allow such spirit to rule over you too? The spirit of science above the word of God? Doctors have book made from human psychology while Christians has the word of God that said No plague will come our dwelling place, if you keep the information of being afraid in your mind,, it will hinder you of the promises of the Lord. What the Lord wants you to put on is the shield of faith. The people yield all the information of Ebola has no knowledge of the Bible, do not let scientist brings division among the Children of God. Even if God allow it, do you have anything you are enjoying here on earth, that you find it so important to save your life, he who tries to save his life will lose it, The only way to avoid the evil spirit called Ebola is to abstained from all form of sin. Your stinking will attract flies, when you have the property of Ebola with you (sin), it will come for his property, give back what belong to Cesar to Cesar and give holiness and righteousness to God in which no man can enter heaven. This is the main reason why the Lord keep warning, each time he healed, he will say, go on and sin no more, because people who always walk in the status of the lord are always made whole (1 Cor10:5-9) Please my fellow Christians, I don’t want us to make satan happy again by talking, preaching Ebola to ourselves, instead, pick up our assignment what is go into the world and preach the gospel to all nature, and those of you, using it as your profile picture, remove it now and stop advertising satan project. Darkness can never rule over the light, and Ebola is darkness, and we are the light of the world. But only sinners have every reason to worry, because they are still in Egypt, and for sure, the plague of Egypt will surely befall them except they run to Israel and paint their body with the blood of the lamb and when the plague see the blood, it will surely pass over. Your body is the temple of God, and no Ebola can affect you
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:43:37 +0000

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