8. The terpenes tend to be the star of the show, but just like - TopicsExpress


8. The terpenes tend to be the star of the show, but just like people in our world… it takes all kinds of kinds! Different oils contain hundreds of chemical constituents in varying amounts, and although there are often “go to” oils for specific issues, many other oils could also be helpful. Likewise, one oil can be helpful to many things. My favorite example of this is DiGize, a blend containing 8 different oils that all are known to support the stomach and digestive tract, and although stomach/digestion is obviously what it is recommended for, it is also the best oils for dissolving bone spurs! On the flip side of this, a single issue, let’s say, an itchy bug bite, could be helped with peppermint, purification, lemon, or lavender (and probably a whole list of other oils). On this same note, not everyone will respond the same way to the same essential oil. For example, Valerian, an oil that historically has been used as a sedative, and is a great oil for sleep, puts my husband to sleep in nothing flat, but not for me! Peace and calming, on the other hand, will soothe and relax me (and my kids) into a sound sleep but doesn’t do a thing for him. The bottom part of this picture talks about anti-biotics and super-bugs. There is definitely a huge concern within the medical community about super-bugs, like MRSA that have become resistant to prescription anti-biotics. Because each season of oil may be slightly different from the last, no bug will ever become resistant to Essential Oils!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:17:52 +0000

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