9 DAYS...#GENESIS! GET CAUGHT UP WITH #RAPTURE AGAIN! EXCERPT BELOW! February 25, 1995 Derrick was quiet all morning. He usually bantered with the children over breakfast. Instead, he ate silently, quickly, and started scavenging for the extra boards. In short order, the nail hammering began. The weather was frigid, more heavy snow on the way. I kept the children in the corridor entrance, near the fireplace. Boring, but we were all together at least, and Derrick was close enough that I could keep an eye on him. I dont know why, but I had an awful feeling that something down that dark corridor was watching him. As if he felt it too, his nail hammering speed quickened. I ran my bath after the children were in bed. At least the boiler still worked, and we still had hot water. I had no sooner settled in the tub when I heard the door slowly open. Bobby, what did I tell you about barging in here? Its me. I immediately pulled my legs to my chest. Derrick? What are you doing? He looked down at me, then sat on the floor right next to me. My nakedness surely didnt go unnoticed, but his face was very serious. I just...didnt want to be alone. My thoughts suddenly went back to the other night, his staring down the corridor.. Have you ever had a man tell you that youre beautiful? His question was unnerving. I said no very quickly, wishing he would make sense. You are. Very beautiful. And in the darkest corners of this hellish place, my mind still finds you, thinks of you. Derrick, please leave. I was terribly uncomfortable. And terribly aware that my face was flushed. I just needed to see you. You see, I hate this place. I hate being here. And the only reason I dont flee right now... he trailed off, staring at me. My heart was pounding my legs were shaking, my thighs..... His face drew ever so close to mine. My breath was loud. I was trapped somewhere between panicking and staying locked in the moment. Goodnight. He whispered, then got up, taking one last look before shutting the door behind him. What is happening to me? I find myself more and more...longing...when he is near. +++ $3 NOW! amazon/dp/B00BVGU5IE/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:08:16 +0000

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