9 Foods with More Sugar Than a Doughnut While you may consider - TopicsExpress


9 Foods with More Sugar Than a Doughnut While you may consider yourself savvy when it comes to spotting sugar-laden foods, the report revealed some real sugar shockers. Before we get into just how troublesome all of this excess sugar may be, let’s first look at how stealthily it is hidden in some seemingly healthful foods. The following nine foods all have more sugar than a Krispy Kreme doughnut (which, for comparison, contains 10 grams of sugar): 1.Luna bar: 11 grams of sugar 2.Grande Starbucks latte: 17 grams 3.Subway 6″ sweet onion teriyaki chicken sandwich: 17 grams 4.Tropicana orange juice, 8 ounces: 22 grams 5.Yoplait original yogurt: 27 grams 6.Vitamin Water, 20 ounces: 33 grams 7.Sprinkles red velvet cupcake: 45 grams 8.California Pizza Kitchen Thai chicken salad: 45 grams 9.Odwalla superfood smoothie, 12 ounces: 50 grams Added Sugars Represent 17 Percent of the Average US Diet …but when all forms of sugars are included, the data suggests that sugar makes up 38 percent of the typical US diet. Among added sugars, 43 percent come from sweetened beverages, which is concerning since it’s now known that calories in liquid form are processed differently by your body than those consumed in solid form. The report noted:2 “Mattes et al3 demonstrated that ingesting a beverage did not impact the amount of calories that were ingested during a subsequent meal or in the 24-hour period after the beverage was consumed. When a solid food was given, however, the number of calories that were ingested in the following meal and in the following 24-hour period was reduced, suggesting the solid calories that had been ingested were processed in a different way, either in the intestine or in the central nervous system, so that the body appropriately adjusted its subsequent calorie intake. With calories from liquids, however, the body does not seem to compensate and the calories are ‘added on’ to what the person would have ingested anyway. In all, the major sources of added sugars in the typical US diet are as follows: •Regular soft drinks (33 percent) •Sugars and candy (16.1 percent) •Cakes, cookies, and pies (12.9 percent) •Fruit drinks (9.7 percent) •Dairy desserts and milk products (ice cream, sweetened yogurt and sweetened milk) (8.6 percent) •Other grain-based products (cinnamon toast and honey-nut waffles) (5.8 percent) 9 Surprising Foods With More Sugar Than A Donut | healthylivinghowtoIs There a Human Sugar Threshold? Health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome have all been rising with rates of sugar consumption, leading many to assume that there is a dose-response relationship, i.e. the more sugar you consume, the greater your risk of health problems becomes. The report noted an interesting alternative theory, which is that the linear dose-response model may be too simplistic. Instead, there may be a threshold level in the body for sugar below which it causes little or no harm… but once you pass it, health problems may emerge. Consuming small amounts of sugar may not be a problem, but consuming sugar by the pound certainly is. https://facebook/groups/over40weightloss/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:32:20 +0000

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