9 Moving Tips To Help Ease The Stress: Moving is undoubtedly one - TopicsExpress


9 Moving Tips To Help Ease The Stress: Moving is undoubtedly one of the most stressful experiences that families face. Globally, the average person moves once every seven years, and once every five years for Americans. We move for a variety of reasons ranging from wanting more space, to moving in with a spouse or moving for a job. While moving is stressful, there are ways to make the process easier. Here are some handy tips to help you and your family move without the added stress. 1. Keep your paperwork in check – When you are organizing your move, there will be plenty of paperwork that needs to be completed and kept for future reference. It’s a good idea to group these all together in one folder so that you know they are safe and you can refer to them whenever you need to. 2. Start packing early – Packing everything you own into boxes is a mammoth task. By starting a few weeks before your moving date, you will get a lot more accomplished and feel more organized. To keep yourself from rushing around trying to get everything done in the days prior to your move, start by packing up things you have no immediate need for. Look around your home and take a visual inventory. Do you really need to keep your knick knacks and family photos out, or can they be safely packed early for their journey to your new home? 3. Book your removal company – If your move is local, renting a moving truck or enlisting friends can work just fine, even if it takes multiple trips. However, long distance moves, or moving a large home, will most likely require bigger plans. If you’ll be hiring a moving company, be sure to book early to reserve your date. Services range anywhere from simply hauling it to your destination, to full service moving companies that pack, load and unload everything for you. 4. Love your Labels – Labeling your boxes is the quickest way to make things easier at the other end. You could color code them or just simply write which room the stuff lives in on the side of the box. By doing so, boxes can be placed in the corresponding room in the new house and you don’t have to do too much reorganizing once the dust has settled. 5. Keep important things close at hand – Anything that you know you will need almost immediately in your new home should be kept close to hand. You could ensure that these things are always on the top of the boxes or pack a whole separate box of just these items. Important things could include bed linens, toiletries or the coffee pot. For more packing tips check out the Family Corner forum. 6. Make arrangements for your children – Although you will want your children to be part of your moving experience; if they are too young then it may be best that they are looked after by a friend or family member for the day. If you are moving a long distance, thus needing to travel with you, then try and keep them settled until the last minute so they don’t get in the way of the heavy lifting. You can get older children involved with the move by giving them their own box to pack with colorful stickers to decorate it. Remember, moving can be very stressful on your children. Check out our expert’s advice on making moving easier for your child. 7. Think about your pets – Moving can be as stressful for animals as it is for you, so make sure your pets are comfortable during the process. Keeping them in a room to themselves with their favorite toy will help keep them calm while you are loading up the truck. Load animals into safe travel carriers and place them into the vehicle last. If you have cats or dogs you can help them spread their scent in their new environment by rubbing a piece of cloth under their neck and then rubbing the cloth at their height around the home. You may want to check out these great tips for moving with pets. 8. Be Green – When gathering together your packing materials you should try and be responsible in the kinds of things you use. Plastic reusable boxes are great because you can borrow them and then give them back to be used again and again. Try to also avoid making multiple trips in your car. This is another reason why removal companies are so handy because you can normally do it all in one trip. 9. Take this opportunity to make some money – As you pack up your things you may find lots of stuff that you no longer use or you think you can do without. Bag this stuff up separately and consider selling it at a rummage sale or on ebay. Not only will you make a bit of money on the side, but you will also eliminate unnecessary items from the move. However you choose to go about your move I hope it goes well for you and that it is not the daunting and stressful experience that it can be at times. If you have any more hints and tips for families on the move feel free to add them in the comments below.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:35:35 +0000

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