99% of girls would do anything to get a rich husband who will - TopicsExpress


99% of girls would do anything to get a rich husband who will enable them to live in a leafy suburb, drive a nice car and shop in the likes of Enkarasha, CityWalk, Nakumatt etc. Unfortunately, this is not always the case – many fall and cry along the way.Essentially, rich dudes date brown or chocolate, drop-dead gorgeous girls for show-off and and of course; 5ex. However, when it comes to finding a wife, they look for somebody whom they are compatible(something to do with common interests and views) with. Someone with proven ability to generate wealth, someone with some wealth of their own, someone who is able to solve problems, someone who can run business when he is away, someone who is independent (not living off their parents), someone who is not nagging…. someone who is done with petty fantasies such as dreaming about glamorous weddings, tours, romantic dinners, new dresses etc. In short, they want a woman (her beauty not withstanding) for a wife and a pretty-girl for 5ex. It’s that simple.So, girls – a rich man will date you (for sometime), f*ck you to his satisfaction; but mark my words –He will never marry you. The rich marries the rich in most cases – Look at the rich around you and see whom they married! Also, look at the wives of the rich… are they all that pretty?If you think that your pretty face will be your means to a good life – I’m sorry. Beauty alone cannot make you an ideal wife to a rich dude; you need the x-factors I mentioned above. Unless, you find a rich fool (which is rare) to marry you just because of your beauty, you will end up over-f*cked, unmarried and still dreaming of getting a rich prince at the wrinkly age of 40. And as you are waiting, remember that your beauty is fading away with years and so, chances of getting a good husband even from your own class are dwindling. in fact, this is the reason we have so many unmarried women at the age of 30-40 going for prayers when that pastor comes. If you really want to be happy, you should date someone from your own social class. Alternatively, you can work your ass off to get to higher social classes and thereafter date there – however, many girls do not want to do this. They know too well that chances of getting rich nowadays are very very slim and only a handful of us will ever get there – the rest will continue dreaming…. to their old age.Verdict:Girls, work hard to get your own money. When you get it, a good guy who has worked hard too to get his will come. –Any other shortcuts will land you in a lot of disappointments. You will remain poor and single for the rest of your life. Furthermore, you risk being a subject of public ridicule (just like Eda Atieno) in the process of looking for a rich guy. You have a choice to make and remember, no one will ever live your life on your behalf! You succeed, you grin in happiness alone; You fail, you glum in sadness, alone.Thats Just My sincere opinion.... Happy weekends palz... TUNESKY...
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:41:26 +0000

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