A 100% spot-on answer on Yahoo! To the question; Lord of The - TopicsExpress


A 100% spot-on answer on Yahoo! To the question; Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter or Twilight, what is better? Most of the people here are answering in terms of the movies of each respective franchise, while all three series were books before there ever were movies. That being said this question must be answered taking into account the books AND the movies. Lord of the Rings is, in all honesty, totally bigger for a plethora of reasons, that I will attempt to recount here. 1. Lord of the Rings was written during World War II and the three volumes that are known today as the Lord of the Rings was published from 1954-1955. That being said, the popularity of Lord of the Rings which was published nearly half a century ago has only gained popularity with time. Those books came out in a time when fantasy as a genre was dead, with no contributions or public interest. LOTR singlehandedly breathed life into the fantasy genre and laid the foundations for all fantasy works that would come after. It served as the inspiration for yet another famous fantasy series known as the Chronicles of Narnia. Beyond even the fantasy genre the works of J.R.R. Tolkien helped inspire the respective works of Frank Herbert (Dune) and George Lucas (Star Wars). 2. The trilogy of movies that adapt the Lord of the Rings to film, have been cited as some of the greatest films in recent history. Fans and critics alike praise the Lord of the Rings movies and the movies garnered 92%, 96%, and 94% respectively by rotten tomatoes and got even better reviews by the top movie critics. The trilogy is arguably one of the best theatrical trilogies ever produced, being mentioned in the same circle as the Original Trilogy of Star Wars. 3. In a very literal sense Lord of the Rings really is bigger than its counterparts. Harry Potter and Twilight are both set in what can be considered the real world, or at the very least the planet earth. Tolkiens Middle-Earth is a world all its own with a history and mythos intricate enough that it has become a real place to countless numbers of fans. In terms of scope and detail, The Lord of the Rings rivals Greek Mythology which was made up by countless people and passed along in myths and tells down through centuries. Lord of the Rings was made by one man, who created working languages complete with grammar and syntax and steeped in fictional history. Neither Twilight, nor Harry Potter is so detailed and so rich in history. ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------- ----- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ -------- ------- -------- ------- ---- Another difference between the three franchises is the audience to which they were aimed. Harry Potter, while enjoyable to people of all ages, has a reading level of elementary school age children. In fact elementary school is where most students are exposed to the Harry Potter franchise. As the movies are based off of the books, the movies reflect a plot that is less intricate due to its target audience. Twilight is certainly aimed at young teenagers, and the marketing of the franchise heavily targets teenage girls in particular. That being said, Twilight still appeals to a variety of fans regardless of gender and age. However the books, and therefore the movies, still target a younger audience, and sacrifices the plot intrigues that are present in other franchises. Lord of the Rings is definitely aimed towards an older more sophisticated crowd, mainly due to the archaic writing style that was used in making the books. Tolkien writes in a very sophisticated voice that many readers find challenging and confusing. This in no way implies that people who feel this way are not intelligent enough to handle LOTR it simply means that they would prefer something more easily understood. In the same manner as the other two franchises, LOTR being aimed at an older crowd has a more intricate plot and it elicits many questions of its readers and viewers. Though I am a LOTR fan I have tried to give a fair representation of my opinion (which is all it is) and remain fair to both Harry Potter and Twilight. I do not wish to resort to any bashing of the other two, as others often do, as once again that bashing is based solely off of opinion, and the putting down of others opinions. However I will leave you with this thought. Human beings, for the most part, have a very short memory. Things that happen more recently tend to take precedence over things that happened in the past no matter how momentous. Just because Twilight is the popular thing right NOW people tend to forget how great Lord of the Rings is simply because of the new fad. All things must be taken into account by their own merit, and not simply by the trends of the here and now.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:17:39 +0000

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