A BIT OF JESUS EACH DAY- DAY 82 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Gen 18:20-32/Ps 137:1-3,6-8/Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-13 I heard this story on the radio. A man won a lottery running into millions of cedis. Confused as he was he didn’t know how to use the money. He therefore decided to travel abroad and reflect on how to use the money. He went into a thick forest, dug a hole and hid the money inside. He then took a photograph of the tree under which he hid the money. So he travelled abroad. On the plane he took the picture to have a look. Upon closer examination he realised that there was someone on one of the branches in the tree. What would you have done if you were him? Friends, what readily comes to mind upon hearing this story is that someone always sees our actions especially God. Unfortunately we dwell so much on our sins that we think God is hiding somewhere and spying on our sins. Today’s readings are a reminder that God does not delight in the evil we do, but in the good in us. And so in the first reading God is willing to spare a city if he found only a few good people, indeed ten good people would be enough to save a multitude of sinners. We should hold firm on this: God delights in you because there is some good in you. The gospel tells us of one of the greatest good in us that God delights in, and that is prayer. Prayer is such a good thing that God will always look with mercy upon us if we keep to prayer. And so Jesus will teach his disciples how to pray by saying the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is such a powerful prayer that it addresses all our needs. In this prayer we acknowledge God’s sovereignty. We also pray for our daily bread and that of others. We also ask for forgiveness of sins, the grace to avoid temptations, and deliverance from evil. We should not only pray but persist in prayer. The parable of the man who goes in the night to ask for bread from a friend is a call to persistence. Sincere and persistent prayer never gets unnoticed by God. Therefore ask, seek and knock. For if you ask you will be given; if you seek you will find, and if you knock the door will be opened to you. God delights in the good in our sincere and persistent prayer and not the in the evil in our sins. Let us pray fervently for the desire to pray.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:21:11 +0000

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