A Better Day. I work in a DC thats predominantly made up of a - TopicsExpress


A Better Day. I work in a DC thats predominantly made up of a general EIT environment. The small block for Engineering, VMs, Security, Core Network and scattered Storage Complex, etc. A failry typical DC in most regards, including the stresses of working on, in, and around live circuits and Business Critcal systems. This pressure can put anyone in a foul mood. Hence the reason for this post. Its important to say though that despite the emotional hazards, which any job carries, I do enjoy what I do But, as any good Managed Service Provider, we have instilled in us to treat the environment for what it is, the Customers life-blood. Great care and pride take over as our motivators. So we happily embrace ITIL ideologies, and take very seriously a Quality Committment that ensures all our projects, once everything is seated and ready for Production, everything needed is completed and checked again until the team has a collective certainty that the project has been completed successfully. Including the use of MOPs and adhering to the highest quality standards, everything comes together perfectly to mitigate all avoidable errors which can cause delays in the timeline or worse, an SLA breach. Now, heres my point. To exemplify our Customer-centric Culture, we send out a courtesy email to the Requestor defining the scope of work completed and any DCIM details that may be needed, think of it as an IT deployment care package. Its sort of a quality assurance for the Customer. Now, every once in a while, we will get a reply from that email thanking us, pointing out out our diligence. It means a lot to receive those little acknowledgements, even though they will never know the full scope of processes utilized to get us to that level of confidence. Its nice to be appreciated, on some level, on ANY level. Also, theres an inherent confidence that the project is going to be successfully deployed. All this work means high Customer satisfaction ratings and KPIs that would bring the SDM to tears. Theres just a certain satisfaction received from a job done well, an error-free deployment. Two ways to make your day better: Take pride in your work, be thorough. And send off a thank you for a job well done. You will feel good as will the recipient. So Happy Holidays Everyone, and keep the recognitions flowing. You should be comfortable to pass them up the chain of command as well as across. This will help foster better attitudes, be more productive and develop a team cohesiveness. Every Manager knows if the teams falls apart, its operational effectiveness is lost. Darin Redning
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:39:10 +0000

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