A CAVEAT OF THE SIMPLE TRUTH : [YOU MAKE YOUR OWN REALITY.] That should be the answer to THE CURE FOR CANCER of ANY SO-CALLED DISEASE ON THE PLANET. That is the whole answer to CANCER. But apparently no one with cancer understand that. *First of all so-called CANCER ISNT CAUSED BY *ANY CANCER-VIRUS*. * * You cannot CURE what you dont UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE. Nothing that occurs in the Universe happens without a psychic-reason. { I will attempt to explain as best I can, though most of what I say will certainly seem contradictory to public scientific knowledge or what passes for knowledge is still simply beliefs held by man intelligent people. } ^The HUMAN BODY can defend itself perfectly against any so-called DIS-EASE on the planet. This must be understood. FEAR, APATHY, IGNORANCE and a lack of a feeling of SELF-WORTH are the greatest biological enemies of the species. All illnesses and diseases are rooted in FEAR and SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE of the creative powers of the mind and its consciousness. *FOR EXAMPLE IN THE CASE OF SO-CALLED CERVICAL CANCER OR BREAST CANCER : ) No virus or sperm in the case of cervical cancer entering a womans uterus can effect her health and well-being, If she had no intentions or fear of getting the disease. Her BODYS own immune system *WOULD MAKE THE CANCER COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE , and thus cannot do any negative harm to her body not even the most minute degree. In the second place, however, referring to the article about making THE CURE LEGAL this is not what actually happens with CANCER or any other so-called disease on earth. NO DOCTOR ON EARTH HAS EVER CURED A SINGLE DISEASE AS YOU THINK OF ILLNESS AND DISEASES. [* SICKNESS - ILLNESS - DISEASES *] are simply not the NEGATIVE PHENOMENON YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO BELIEVE AND THINK THAT THEY ARE. In the most simplest terms the VERY INDIVIDUAL WITH CANCER ARE THEMSELVES THE CAUSE OF THE ILLNESS OR THE DISEASE. Although medical scientist might think they have discovered { CANCEROUS CELLS CAUSED BY A VIRUS }, cancer instead involves A WISH TO DIE, in a manner of speaking literally cancer is A RELATIONSHIP between what you might think of as a HOST* and a PARASITE*, in your terms of so-called NEGATIVE and POSITIVE. This idea of CANCER is no different in its causes and origins than any other illnesses or diseases experienced by the human community on this earth. Take for example the disease once known and called ( * SMALLPOX * ). In each culture ideas change and evolve and thus the apparent forms of diseases and illnesses all so change and seem to evolve. ALL DISEASES AND ILLNESS ARE CAUSED BY THE BELIEFS OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO EXPERIENCES THE MALADY. ^ *** Though from the so-called scientific point of view these different diseases and illnesses may seem to have different causes to the mind of the medical profession, however THIS IS ACTUALLY NOT THE CASE. An individual who is dissatisfied with their own personal reality attracts A HOST CELL, say, and they are not simply attracted by an alien intruder. Cells mutate and become SO-CALLED DEADLY VIRUS under the auspices of the INNER VALUE CLIMATE OF ATTITUDE ABOUT LIFE THAT THE INDIVIDUAL HOLDS ABOUT THE MEANING AND PURPOSE OF THEIR own intimate psychological reality. *The HUMAN INDIVIDUAL WITH CANCER (i.e., any illness/disease) has invited and attracted the condition. ALL ILLNESS & ALL SO-CALLED DIS-EASES are exactly MIRROR REPLICAS OF INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL STATES WHICH FORMS THE VALUE CLIMATE OF EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS THE EXPERIENCE. Your BODY is the physical ( MIRROR ) of your own Psychological State. Your BODY is powered by the energy of the UNIVERSE. The same energy can keep you HEALTHY AND FULL OF VITALITY and when misdirected and unfocused can also show and appear as an unhealthy diseased state. *It is not the the Body cannot defend itself, but a SICK BODY is performing as perfectly as a HEALTHY BODY in mirroring the perfect state of your conscious mind and your system of core beliefs. To be healthy and maintain the BODY you must first believe in health. Those who experience CANCER simply no longer believe in health but through fear and ignorance has decided to believe in the so-called negative power of diseases and so-called cancerous viruses. To be consciously responsible as a human being using your innate spiritual intelligence requires fine discrimination in the use of the MIND and its CONSCIOUSNESS. All Illnesses and ALL DISEASES are simply representations of a MISS-USE OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY. * THERE IS NO HOPE FOR THE MENTALLY LAZY, THERE ARE NO FREE RIDES, AND IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD THAT EACH OF YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY. You yourselves are responsible for your health and NOT THE MEDICAL PROFESSION.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:12:04 +0000

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