A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAT CAN MEAN MORE THAN THE PRESENT: and it can bring tears. Most of you know, 2014 has been the best and worst of my life. But when you go through that kind of change it affects the closest around you. Charles Scott has been effected the most. He has survived a tremendously difficult year with me. He has been through his own changes. So at the Southern Highlands Folk Art Center we saw a MICRO WRITING ART PIECE I knew it was his Christmas present. Chuck commented on how incredible it was. I secretly returned to get it but they informed me it was part of the quarterly museum show and could not be shipped until after the show on January 9. I explained that it was a Christmas present, was there any possibility? She said she would call the artist (this is Christmas Eve remember.) She explained the situation to the artist. The artist was touched by the persistence of two men that had been through so much. The artist said yes, and then offered to come in and sign a personal message and greeting to Chuck. I began to cry because it truly is a wonderful world. The artist arrived in about 45 minutes and we talked about his art. His 70 years of life. He asked about my life. About gay marriage rights. About my weight loss. He said he came in because the piece was called FOUR SCORE AND FIFTEEN QUESTIONS. It is about contemplation and challenges. He thought it perfect from me to Chuck. He wished to drive in to show the support of that. He wished me a Merry Christmas and said he, at 70, was so proud to see the world change for gay America. I left with a lump in my throat. When Chuck opened the present this morning and read the artists note he began to cry. He knew what it meant. From the artist. For me. For Chuck. I hope you look at the pictures very carefully. Change can be hard. But it can lead to beautiful things. Merry Christmas to all of us. God bless us...everyone.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:36:58 +0000

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