A CRITICAL MESSAGE OF THE TIME WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW!!! We are heading into the goodness and severity of the Lord. This year they will begin. Aug 15, 2014 We have come to a critical time in our walk with the Lord. This nation has come to a critical time in the purposes of God. I have had more encounters with the Lord than any other year in my life - things have become critical. It is the season. Heb. 4 - God limited a certain day - Today if you hear my voice, harden not your heart. He limited a day - a timing factor is involved. The time now is limited for an adequate response before all hell breaks loose over this nation; also heaven will come, but the time is limited. When Israel came to Kadesh Barnea and spies went into the land, ten of them came back with the wrong message. There are a lot of wrong messages out there. And they died because of it. Today if you hear His voice,” we are on the brink of something great and something terrible. Time is running out for us and we have to be prepared for what is coming, particularly about this nation, but ramifications for other nations around the world as well. We are on the brink of something great. A number of things the Lord has given me: 1. THE LORD HAS LAID A CORNERSTONE FOR A NEW KIND OF CHURCH. It is time for the Philadelphia church to come into manifestation in the earth and fruition in the earth. 2. YEARS OF PROMISES THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN FULFILLED IN YOUR LIFE ARE INTERSECTING NOW. It is time to take hold of them and bring them into fruition. 3. THE ISSUE OF SOWING AND REAPING IS BECOMING CRITICAL. Everything is speeding up. The process of sowing and reaping is shorted over recent times; scary because we dont always sow the right things, and it is coming back quicker. 4. WE NEED TO BUILD A KINGDOM CULTURE. We are heading into the goodness and severity of the Lord. This year they will begin. 5. WE MUST MOVE FROM PRAYING FROM THE OUTER COURT IN OUR PRAYERS (ME ME ME) - WE HAVE TO PRAY AT ANOTHER LEVEL. INTERCESSION MUST BE TARGETED - prophets must speak into you the target, and intercession must bring forth the purposes of God. 6. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN ISRAEL AND THE MIDDLE EAST? Israel is setting itself up for a major war the big one. There will be some skirmishes on the way, but the big one is coming, and the ramifications on the church are enormous. 7. THE LORD WILL RELEASE THE GIFT OF FAITH IN THIS SEASON. This gift will release the most incredible miracles that we have hardly dreamt of. There is not much spoken of about this gift. WE MUST SYNC WITH WHAT IS GOD IS DOING. Day of Atonement this year - a Cut-Off Point From the time of the last blood moon to the Day of Atonement is coming - it is a cut off point, something ends. Something is coming. Yom Kippur this coming year - the curtain is drawn on many things. There is no more time. God has delayed out of His kindness some things. He is visiting heads of state all over the world and giving them time. God took me to Europe to speak to a queen in her bedroom. God told me to give her a specific word of what she must do and what she mustnt do…people high up in the financial realm, giving them time to repent, many of them. Something is happening God is visiting people right now because time is running out and they have to make decisions. Because the world is going to change next year. Once we pass Yom Kippur things will escalate and change. It will be a different world. Stuff will be released, good and bad. There is a definite cut-off point that is going to happen. A lot of things have been held up because God in His mercy has waited and waited and waited (like He is before the flood came - Methuselah had to die first. So Methuselah became the oldest man ever on this planet because God kept extending His grace and mercy); and God has given us more time and more time. But he spoke to me, Neville, it is over. There is no more extension of time.” He is visiting people the world over, in the financial sector especially. Most of them will not repent, but He is giving them opportunity. Things are going to get really difficult https://youtube/watch?v=VOncuKbneRs#t=35
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 01:46:02 +0000

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