A Jewish parable, of Elijah going with a rabbi into a home, a very - TopicsExpress


A Jewish parable, of Elijah going with a rabbi into a home, a very poor family that had a cow that was very thin, miserable, but this poor family entertained them for the night, with bread and milk and butter and all. And the morning as they were leaving one of the walls collapsed there and the prophet moved on. They stayed in the rich mans house the next night and he gives them all the fat of the land and so on, and before he leaves, Elijah has a wall rebuilt for him. Then he walks away. The rabbi says, I dont understand it, that poor man he fed us all they had and that morning we wake up and that wall collapses and you walk away. Here with the rich mans home he gives you so much and you rebuild a wall for him. Elijah said, Yes, it was decreed that next day he was going to lose his wife and I interceded and God answered, by preserving his wife hes gonna lose the wall and together they will rebuild the wall. The rich man lived with his greed, his wall was breaking down and he was gonna rebuild it himself when behind that broken wall is a huge pot of gold and if he rebuilds it himself he would have found that pot of gold. Now, I rebuilt it, he would not go beyond it, he will never find it. And God has settled the balance so that he wont go after the riches anymore than he should. When you look at that, think of the contingencies of life. There are so many things in life we dont know. When we meet Him (God) face to face we will find out why some walls fail while some walls rebuilt and there was an eternal purpose to it. Time is a speck in the sea of eternity -- and God explains it all. -- Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Has Christianity Failed You?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 10:51:48 +0000

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