A LIVING TESTIMONY: William Bill” Aujero Thankfulness to - TopicsExpress


A LIVING TESTIMONY: William Bill” Aujero Thankfulness to Cory Aquino August 7, 2009 By Pinay Mommy When I was checking my blog, I noticed a pending comment at my post entitled “My Tribute to Former President Corazon Aquino.” It was very long and I really thought of it as spam but when I read the entire comment, I realized that it was real and sincere comment. It was a testimony of William “Bill” Aujero on how the former President Cory Aquino has touched his life. So, who is William “Bill” Aujero? I googled his name and found out that, before, he was the mastermind of the notorious Sputnik Gang in Manila. He was imprisoned for multiple crimes but was released in the year 1991. Today, he is a Pastor and a musician at the same time. He is a recording artist from Papuri records with eight albums released. You can also check YouTube for some of his composed songs. Anyway, below is the comment he left inmy post: “I am an ex-convict, a former notorious criminal who had been incarcerated for 19 long years for multiple crimes ranging from Murder, Frustrated Murder, Three Counts Robbery Hold-up and two counts Evasion of Sentence or Escape. I was a Maximum-Security Prisoner, classified among the hardened convicts and tagged as a prison gang boss and escape artist. But during the 5th year of my 47 years definite sentence, I surrendered my life to God and began to change. I eventually became a popular Christian singer- songwriter and recording artist. My 2 bestselling albums were produced while I was still in prison then in 1991 PRESIDENT CORAZON C. AQUINO GRANTED ME AN EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY IN THE FORM OF CONDITIONAL PARDON. It was a MIRACLE because with my badly smeared prison record, I was not qualified for any executive clemency. The termination of my sentence was supposedly in 2006 but I was released IN 1991 AND SO MY FREEDOM CAME 15 YEARS AHEAD OF TIME. President Cory had been God’s instrument in setting me free so I could fulfill the great mission that God had planned for my life. From 1991 up to the present I have been traveling nationwide and abroad preaching God’s love and mercy and singing my songs of testimonies in street crusades, prisons and jails, rehab centers and home for the street children. I have been speaking in National High Schools and universities about Christian values and the drug menace and destructive fraternities and street gangs. I have toured in 21 countries and more than 80 cities in different parts of the world, mostly in Europe reaching the Filipinos with my life testimony and songs and challenging them to bring pride and honor to our country by being good OCWs. This has been a long testimonial tribute to the President who granted me pardon and gave me not only my physical freedom but the freedom, the privilege and the honor to be an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout our country and even in so many countries abroad. My beloved President you are indeed God’s instrument in bringing different kinds of freedom in our country and I am so blessed that I had been a very special recipient of your compassion to an outcast of society. The freedom you gave me brought me back to the mainstream of society with a phenomenal story of a successful ex-convict. I have been crying as I watched the TV coverage of your funeral wake at the Manila Cathedral and the great funeral convoy bound for the Manila Memorial Park until you were finally laid to rest beside Ninoy’s tomb. I was so sorry that I have been sick for a long time and could not join the hundreds of thousands who joined the procession. If the ordinary Filipino who have witnessed your great achievement to our history cried for you, then much more did I because I have personally experienced your greatness. I have been however giving tribute to your goodness because every time I share the story of my miraculous release from prison I always mention the pardon that you have given me. You shall be continuously part of my evangelistic ministry….I love you Cory….God bless your soul!!” – William “Bill” Aujero Indeed the former President Cory Aquino has an innate capability to identify worthy candidates for Presidential Pardon!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:25:34 +0000

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