A Letter - 4.5 years ago, I took this dog out of an Amish - TopicsExpress


A Letter - 4.5 years ago, I took this dog out of an Amish Puppy Mill. She was a very broken dog. Here is an update from her loving forever Dad. Hi Kim: I only recently joined your FB page and just now read your post regarding the joys and heartbreak of rescue. It spurred me to write this update on Luna, whom you had named Raja. I thought it was time for an update. It’s been almost 4 years since I picked her up on Boxing Day, 2011. There have been many times since then that I’ve contemplated euthanizing her as she has never really recovered from the trauma of being a puppy mill mom…physically or emotionally. Not unlike the Great Danes in your post, Luna didn’t seem to have much quality of life. She’s never really learned what it’s like to be a dog or how to enjoy life. She only makes the slightest whining noise out of excitement when I call her to go for a walk. She only leaves her bed, and her safe spot, for our walks…even though she has free reign of the home. She continues to struggle with what seems to be bouts of doggy-colitis that last 3-4 weeks and mean constant vigilance and cleaning up…it’s during these times that I’ve questioned whether it would be best to let her go. If I mistakenly leave any kind of fabric item anywhere near her she tears it up and eats it resulting in some exciting bowel movements! However, in the last 4-6 weeks she’s made considerable improvements. She wags her tail on our walks! She prances and wants to run! Her stomach seems pretty good even. She holds my gaze and just seems a little more confident. My partner has 2 little dogs…with issues of their own!…and they have formed a weird little, dysfunctional pack. Dare I say that she seems almost happy? The groomer who sees her very 4 months or so commented on how well she’s doing since her prior visit. She’ll never be a cuddly dog, or even a dog who feels comfortable in the world. However, her quality of existence is pretty good and I get a lot out of her being in my life…hopefully she gets something out of me being in hers. She is truly a sweet girl without a mean bone in her body…not once has she ever shown any aggression or anger. Hopefully she will continue to improve how she sees the world and her confidence will improve also. I’ve attached a couple photos of her in her safe spot. By the way…the toys on her bed are never played with but I’ll occasionally remove them from her bed and put them on the floor a few feet away. Miraculously they end up back on her bed so she must get up and move around a little bit when I’m not home. One day I have to set up a video camera to see what she gets into when I’m away. All the best, Doug
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:42:36 +0000

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