A MESSAGE TO THE KNOWLEDGE CONVENTION ON: THE BEAST Not many of our modern Churches speak on Bible Last Days prophecy, let alone prophecy concerning the Antichrist. Most of our understanding of this jerk either comes from Nostradamus, Hollywood, the History Channel or YouTube. Very few actually look to the text in seeking answers. We also tend to get a little confused to his identity and his purpose. Most of us, myself included, oft times fall victim to wild theories, speculation and conjecture about him. Hes a Nephilim baby, Hes an alien, Hes a Muslim, Hes the President of the United States, Hes a Prime Minister from Europe. While many of these theories have fair scriptural base, they tend to ignore scripture in some form or another. Whoever, and whatever he is... he has in fact been here before... and will in fact return. We can see this in Revelation 11:7 - “The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.” Before I begin my semi-exhaustive study on the Antichrist, I must first admit in having to suffering the drudgery of internet research. I say this to mean that there is A LOT of BS floating around out there about this guy. So, more than anything, I needed to completely rely on the biblical text for factual finds. Lastly, the term ANTICHRIST is not particularly lonesome in definition. Meaning, it could and can imply at the very least two different things: a) an antichrist person and b) the person of the antichrist. See the following verses: 1) “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son.” (1 John 2:22) 2) “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.” (1 John 2:18) 3) “...but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.” (1 John 4:3) 1. THE PRIDE OF THE BEAST (Daniel 8:25) - He shall stand up against the Prince of princes. (Daniel 11:36) - He shall exalt himself above every god. (2 Thessalonians 2:4) - He shall exalt himself above all that is called God. ...He shall show himself that he is God. (1 John 2:22) - He shall deny both the Father and the Son. (Revelation 13:6) - He shall open his mouth in blasphemy against God. (Revelation 17:3) - He shall be full of names of blasphemy. 2. THE EXTENT OF HIS POWER (Isaiah 14:16) - He shall make the earth to tremble, and shall shake kingdoms. (Isaiah 14:17) - He shall make the world as a wilderness. (Daniel 7:25) - He will change Times and laws . (Daniel 8:9) - He shall wax exceeding great. (Daniel 8:24) - His power shall be mighty...He shall destroy wonderfully. (Daniel 11:36) - He shall do according to his will. (2 Thessalonians 2:9) - His coming shall be with all power. (Revelation 13:7) - Power shall be given him over all kindred, and tongues, and nations. (Revelation 17:13) - The ten kings shall give their strength and power unto him. 3. POWER OF THE 1st and 2nd BEAST (False Prophet) WILL BE SUPPORTED BY FALSE MIRACLES (2 Thessalonians 2:9) - His coming shall be after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders. (Revelation 13:11-13) - “Then I saw another beast (False Prophet) coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men.” (Revelation 13:15) - “And it was given to him (the second Beast) to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” 4. HIS RECEIPT ON THE EARTH (Revelation 13:8) - All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the Lambs book of life. (Revelation 13:15) - Whosoever will not worship the image of the beast shall be killed (Revelation 17:8) - All whose names are not written in the book of life shall wonder after the Beast. 5. HIS THRONE AND ARROGANCE. (Daniel 11:45) - The throne of the Beast is established in Israel: He will plant the tabernacles of his palace on the glorious holy mountain. (2 Thessalonians 2:4) - He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in Gods temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 6. HE IS NAMED In John he is called the Antichrist, in his special character of opposition to Christ (or more accurately, in the stead of Christ). In the Revelation he is called the Beast, as denoting his moral estimate in the sight of Heaven. The following is a list of the 14 most commonly recognizable names for the Antichrist. Please take note that Barak Obama is NOT counted among the many names here. Could he be AN ANTICHRIST? Yes... but is he THE Antichrist. NO. 1) The Assyrian: (Isaiah 10:5, Micah 5:5-6) 2) The Antichrist: (1 John 2:22) 3) The Beast: “that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit” (Revelation 11:7) 4) The Bloody and Deceitful Man: (Psalm 5:6) 5) The Branch of the terrible ones (Isaiah 25:5) 6) The profane wicked Prince of Israel (Ezekiel 21:25-27) 7) The Man of Lawlessness/ The Man of Sin: (2 Thessalonians 2:3) 8) The Idol Shepherd: (Zechariah 11:15, 17) 9) The Little Horn: (Daniel 7:8, 8:9) 10) The Prince that Shall Come: (Daniel 9:26) 11) The Rod of God’s Anger: (Isaiah 10:5) 12) The Seed of the Serpent: (Genesis 3:15) 13) The Wicked One: (Psalms 9:17, 10:2, 4, Isaiah 11:4, Jeremiah 30:14, 23) 14) The Willful King: (Daniel 11:36) HE IS DESTROYED BY NO MAN 1. (Daniel 8:25) - He shall be broken without hand. 2. (Isaiah 11:4) - The Lord with the breath of his lips shall slay the Beast and his False Prophet. 3. 2 (Thessalonians 2:8) - The Lord shall consume him (the Beast) with the breath of his lips, and with the brightness of his coming. 4. (Revelation 19:15, 20) - The Beast and his False Prophet is taken, and cast alive into the lake of fire. The following connections might also be found useful: DANIEL from chp. 8 - 11 (8:25) - “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.” (9:27) - He (the Prince that shall come) shall confirm the covenant with many. (8:11) - He shall take away the daily sacrifice. (9:27) - He shall cause the sacrifice to cease. (8:9) - He waxes great towards the pleasant land (Israel and immediate vicinity) (11:41) - He enters into the glorious land (Israel) (8:19, 24) - He prospers in the last 3 1/3 years of the Tribulation (indignation). (11:36) - He shall prosper until the Tribulation be accomplished. (7:25) - He shall speak great words against the Most High. (11:36) - He shall speak blasphemous things against the God of gods. (7:25) - He shall change times and laws. (11:37, 38) - He shall not regard the God of his fathers, but honor another (a god of Forces) - “Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts.” (7:22) - He shall continue until the saints possess the kingdom. -TP SF
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 20:05:21 +0000

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