A MUST READ: Should Americans Get Prepared for a possible Stock - TopicsExpress


A MUST READ: Should Americans Get Prepared for a possible Stock Market Crash & Run on the Banks, followed by Civil Unrest? ---- Read the Facts and Realize the Predicted 2016 – 2020 World Crash Could Occur Right now --- Will President Obama Blink? President Obama has blown off Congress for years now. When the Congress does not pass a Bill that he wants, he has been abusing his Executive Powers and merely writing his own Bills. He is the first US President in American history that has not had an annual budget approved by Congress for 5 years no. He has been running the government on a blank check. He has openly attacked businesses owners as greedy, called fiscal conservatives “Domestic Terrorists” who are a “threat to the nation”. He has refused to even speak about passing an annual budget or originating a plan to balance the budget - ever. He has racked up $7 Trillion in national debt since talking office, up 70%., to now $17 Trillion. Under Constitutional law the US House must approve the nation’s debt and all spending, regardless if a spending Bill was passed years ago. Congress has the legal right to change or amend laws which is signed or vetoed by the sitting President. This is how our government works. The US House can cut or increase spending on anything it wants to, but it must be approved by the US Senate and President. Under law, the President has maxed out the national credit line (debt ceiling) of $17 Trillion. He now wants it removed so he has unlimited spending and debt. He has increased government expenses by hiring over 200,000 additional government workers versus actually scale back the government and cut spending. The last straw here was President has continued to ignore the US Constitution and blow off Congress where he believes be can run the government without Congressional approval. The US House had no choice but to “partially” shut down the government and begins to cut off Obama’s money and force him to the negotiating table. The President has said that this is “extortion” and he will not talk to Congress if they do not lift the shutdown and give him what he wants. Did not Congress try this without a shutdown for the past 5 years now? Yet, no positive action by the President had occurred. The US Congress has passed a Bill to extend the National Debt ceiling today that would continue to fund more of the government, Veterans Affairs, open our parks, Social Security and continue to pay the nations debt while Congress is in forced talks to pass an annual budget with the President. This would prevent any default on our national debt, yet the President has said yesterday that he will not approve it. So who in government is really pushing for a default on government bonds and a world wide financial crash? The President has refused to approve this Bill and said it is his away or let it all crash the country. The US House passed a Bill to 1) Delay the IRS fines on working families for 1 year, 2) To make Obamacare a transparent spending Bills so the facts come out about the actual cost and how much national debt is used to fund Obamacare, 3) To state by law that Obamacare applies equally to everyone in America, and members of the government or Labor Unions are not exempt from Obamacare IRS fines while working Americans are subject to these IRS fines, 4) To allow Americans to still voluntarily sign up for Obamacare today, but face no fines if they do not in 2014. The President has refused to sign this Bill that would make Obamacare “transparent” to the taxpayers. He continues to ignore the US Constitution that he swore an oath to follow. Under the US Constitution he MUST negotiate with the US House and US Senate. He must stop bypassing the Congress. The Republicans and others know as a fact, that if budget cuts are not made now, then the entire government will have a financial meltdown before 2020 with over $23 Trillion in national debt. Over 60 Million Americans will be crushed. This could be one of the last opportunities for the Republicans to force spending cuts and balance the budget as they forced President Clinton to accept to do in 1995. Funny how the Democrats took the credit for balancing the budget for the first time in 60 years after the Republicans forced a shutdown 1995 and made it happen. Obamacare is now the largest government entitlement program in history even though Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are heading off a financial cliff with no solutions in sight. Congress and the President continues to merely Kick the Can on these problems as well. If the government does not cut spending, then by 2020, then just the interest on the growing national debt and payments for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will take up all the tax revenues with nothing left over to run the government. This will shoot up the national debt to over $30 Trillion in the coming years. The system will crash long before the debt reaches $30 Trillion. So why did Obama increase the national debt even more by hiring 200,000 more government union workers since he became President? US House Democrats are stating in the press that they will no longer give the President a blank check anymore with unlimited debt as he has enjoyed since taking office. Even Democrats are tired of the President ignoring the US Congress. If the President continues to refuse to sign the US House Bill that funds payments on the national debt, then the President would have directly caused a default on the national debt and risk starting a banking panic. We either face the government bankruptcy today or face it harder in the coming years. The US House voted and passed a Bill that would pay all Federal employees this week. The President has refused to sign it. If the Republicans blink, they will lose all creditability for many years to come, they must have serious spending cuts or there is no deal. If the US House Blinks, they risk of the GOP being toast with their own base walking away from the party for kicking the can down the road – AGAIN - on the nations problems. The US House must hold the line to get something accomplished now. However, the President has told Congress to go to hell and he will not even speak to them. If a deal is not done but October 17th, the following is at severe risk of occurring. The current stock prices have factored in that the government will do nothing but merely blink and “kick the can” to solve any of these problems later – AGAIN. If this happens, then stock prices will sore into December. If not, and the US House holds it ground to force the President to actually have an annual budget, and he refuses, then the world financial meltdown may occur this year. Wall Street will crash by over 20%, followed by all world stock markets crashing. If there still is no deal by October 21st, the President is risking a run on American Bank such as Bank of America where depositors start withdrawing $10,000+ from their accounts. This could cause a national bank run that would be hyped by the White House and media to try to put more pressure on Congress. This could trigger for the President to close all banks for a week to stop the withdrawal of money by depositors. He has already ordered to make this as painful as possible for working Americans as he just ordered the closing of the fishing grounds off of south Florida controlled by the Federal Government to push Florida fishing and boat charter companies out of business. A banking panic caused by the US Government running out of money, could also cause a run on all grocery stores where the would be no way for the stores to restock the shelves fast enough. The President could cause a money and food panic in America followed by civil unrest all because he refuses to even try to balance the budget with Congress. This is where guns and ammo come into play. No a civil war would not break out. However, with 340 million people in America today, if just 3% of the population freaked out, that is over 10 Million people turning to crime and violence all at the same time. Americans would be forced to protect their property and family using deadly force. The President knows that all of the above is a real picture if he does not act. In 2008, US Senator Obama stated that it was unpatriotic and a crime against the American people for President Bush to have racked up $4 Trillion in national debt, to $9 Trillion over 8 years. Obama voted against raising the national debt ceiling in 2008 as a Senator, and said it was time for the government to balance the budget. Since Obama became President, he racked up $7 Trillion in more debt in just 5 years with no plan to even try to slow this debt growth down. So you can not understand why the US House was forced for a partial government shutdown after Obama has had his chance to pass a budget for 5 years now, and has refused to work with Congress at all as required by the US Constitution. So when you look at the facts above and the risks to the country, the President must cut a some type of minor deal done and “Kick the Can” to actually solve any problems much later until after he leaves office, which happens to be part of this actual plan. So nothing will really get done as Obama will not cut spending. They will merely borrow more money. If Obama does not blink and cut some sort of deal, and a bank run occurs, he risks having 1+ Million taxpayers showing up in DC where he could be removed by force and jailed for ignoring the US Constitution. Americans are that upset over running the Government with no annual budget at all. He certainly does not want to be remembered for that. Therefore, unless he is mentally unstable, he will blink and cut some sort of deal with Congress at the last minute. Stock prices will rally for the short term, and nothing will be done to prevent the projected world rash before 2020. The national credit rating will once again fall as the government increase its debt with no real solutions. By the way, the Federal Government has decided to sue the Standard & Poor’s Corporation for billions of dollars, who rates the credit worthyness of companies and governments just after they downgraded US Government bonds after Obama refused to sign an annual budget in 2011 as our national debt soared. So will the S&P issue another credit downgrade next month?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 13:20:42 +0000

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