A Memo to Nemo What if you are sons of a lesser god? What if - TopicsExpress


A Memo to Nemo What if you are sons of a lesser god? What if Jesus was black? Could we have less hunger and lighter skins? Could we have found Nemo Through denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance? If Christopher Columbus discovered America Vasco da Gama discovered India Ferdinand Magellan discovered the Philippines Who discovered Africa? Why did the Niger tribesmen drown Mungo Park in his canoe? What if Arab traders never docked at the coast of East Africa? Could we be boasting of coral reefs and fort Jesus? Couldn’t you still be trekking across Kambaland on bare feet Trading skin hides for a sack of grains? So what if Kenyatta sold Kenya to Britain? Or Mandela traded South Africa for freedom? Who will built the new railway? Who built Thika highway? Who will built and invest in Konza city? Who makes South Africa the charming of the West? What has Mugabe’s obduracy done to Zimbabwe? What if a black man’s success is a white man’s invention? You know, tall buildings and fast topless yellow cars? What if Adam and Eve were actually white? What if God is white and the devil is black? What if Africa is the ancestor of mankind? But which continent is the darkest? Which world is the third world? The illiterate? The guinea pig? Whose women are bleaching their skin? Who said a larger cranium has higher IQ? What if missionary schools were never built? Who judges his brother’s brainpower, By how fluent he can speak and write an alien language, A language of the slaves at that? Which soccer team do you cheers most anyways? Who a-go make the fashions you peoples wears? Who replaced slave ships with scholarships? What if your lands were taken because you had no use for them? What if Bertlot Bretch is right, When he says Michael’s true mother is the woman who raised him, And not the ignoramus who carried him in her womb? What if he pays you to watch elephants And then walks out with a few tusks? What if Socialism is the answer? Is Pan Africanism the new Black Panthers? What if Imhotep was the first healer, the first Christ? What if the herbs are the cure, And pills are pure poison? What if your ancient knowledge was stolen from Egypt? Is that your excuse for not reading books? Except the Bible and the Quran, And newspapers? Brother, is wealth the cure for stupidity? Who cares if the first world’s billionaires are Harvard dropouts? Who cares if the third world’s heroes are gold-medalists Who get paid by running from nothing? What if Astrology began in Kenya; The Stonehenge near Lake Turkana? Do we shine like stars? What if Obama, Oprah and Jay Z were born and raised in a continent Where its own politics, art and music are mere imitations? What if beneath the skin everything is actually different? You know, the DNA? What if the black man is Cain or the son of Ham who was cursed, To be a slave to another race? What if you are deliberately being depopulated? Who still measures his wealth by the number of children He sires? Where is the land, the food, the jobs? What if slavery started in Africa? But it feels better to play victim, right? Someone to blame for our bad breath, food and economy And tribal wars in Sudan, Nigeria, you know? White shadows seething underneath the dark brother’s nightmares, right? Darker brother, what is the way forward?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 18:20:51 +0000

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