A NEW BLOG ON MY WEBSITE I WANTED TO SHARE WITH ALL MY FRIENDS: Call Upon His Name For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved Romans 10:13 Do you take seriously the passage that tells us, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved?” Do you live your life knowing that you can, and should, call out on the Name of the Lord when in danger? Do you follow the Word of God in deed and in truth? Many years ago when we lived in La Porte, Minnesota, in a Christian Community headed up by Art Katz, Shelly and I were on an icy road late at night. The car went into a skid and we were going from side to side, swerving – Shelly had lost control of the vehicle! I kept calling out, Jesus – Jesus – Jesus!!! Until – I said, “Shelly, Call out on the Name of the Lord!!” As he cried out, ‘Jesus’ the car stopped skidding, he gained back control! As our hearts settled down we talked together about the importance to remember the Lord always. He was driving and in a way, he had to give up control! And, the Lord gave the control back to him to drive home safe and sound. A lesson learned – the ‘driver’ the one in ‘control’ has to give up their control to the Lord for Him to answer!!! One winter, Scottie was coming home for his winter break from Christ For The Nations. He was flying into the Twin Cities and Shelly and I along with Dean and Suzi were picking him up from the airport to drive back home to La Porte, Minnesota. It is about a four-and-a-half hour drive. There was an ice storm as we were driving home – the roads were so slick you could have ice-skated on them. Needless to say, Shelly drove very slow and very carefully. We were in a Volkswagen Rabbit, as we got closer to home, the car went into a skid! I began calling on the Name of the Lord … Jesus – Jesus – Jesus! Dean awoke out of a deep sleep along with Suzi and they joined in with me crying out: Jesus – Jesus – Jesus! Shelly cried, “Noooo” and Scott, who sat in the front passenger, cried out, “Wooo” as we headed for the ditch! Miraculously, the car came to a sudden stop, in the ditch, right side up! We sat for a while in shock. Shelly, Scott and Dean pushed the car out of the ditch with me behind the wheel. When we all went to bed that night, Shelly and I were very shaken up realizing that we all could have been killed – But God – spared us as we called upon His Name – and He saved us! Perhaps before reading this article you thought that Romans 10:13 only referenced people getting saved from their sin when they accepted Jesus as Messiah and Lord of their life. That of course is true – but, I believe in our every day living we should apply the Word of God to our life. It is essential – especially in the day and the age in which we live. There have been instances in the past forty years that I have called on the Name of the Lord needing help at that moment. I can honestly say that whenever I called out on the Name of the Lord – He saved me. Whether He gave me comfort in distress, or a Word of knowledge to help me overcome the situation I was facing. Jesus might not necessarily save you out of the situation, but He Will save you in the circumstance you find yourself. God’s comfort and guidance will bring peace to your soul. May this reminder, Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved, keep you steadfast in calling upon His Name. Be aware of His presence, and your need for Him in ALL things. He is faithful and waiting for a people to come closer to Him so He can reveal HIS faithfulness. Jesus asked this question; Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He returns? Live by the faith of the Son of God – call upon His Name and be saved. May the Holy One be with you and guide you in your way. May you experience His faithfulness as you obey His Word in your every day life. He is calling you. “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 June 9, 2013 Call Upon His Name By June Volk
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 00:05:17 +0000

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