A PRAYER FOR MY ONLINE CONGREGATION. SHARE IT PLEASE. Eternal Father, today Monday 2nd day of Dec 2013, I am remembering all my friends, especially those who are not financially stable. Lord, I am praying for them to find stable good paying jobs that will provide for them and their dependents without struggling and being able to save and build again a stable home life for their kids. I come to you as I have done before and you have showed me your miracles and that you are there. I ask of you Lord Jesus Christ to grant them the strength to be strong, the finances that is needed, the loving stable relationship that is theirs. For their sake Lord, I am coming to you asking for strength, prosperity, health and a healing loving relationship. I put their faith and trust in you, because I know as I am writing this, You have already created the perfect job for them and its coming very soon, their relationships to grow strong and move forward the way it should and the stable home that they need in their lives, their finances will increase and multiply and I thank you for I know that this will happen and that it’s happening already. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 01:32:55 +0000

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