A PROPHETIC VIEW POINT TO EXPOSE SATANIC INSTINCT MANIPULATIONS IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN AND OFFERING A DIVINE PLATFORM FOR THE AGELESS PROPHESISED JUDGMENT ON THE WORLD, THE DEAD AND THE LIVING INCLUSIVE. CHRIST TO THE WORLD IN OUR MIDST. VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE THAT THE WORLD SHOULD KNOW WHERE SHE IS HEADING TO. A day begins a story of mankind journey into the satanic reign that has prophetically come to an end as all-encompassing absurd spiritual manipulations in our ways of life. Equally, a day begins mankind salvation agenda into eternity that has no time frame. Nothing is as constant as truth in all circumstance. Change is inevitable in a world without an end. Be humble, patient and rediscover yourself in a prophetic renewed world. Nature abhors a vacuum but the Armageddon has been raging. I bear the divine witness of expression in a language of man. It is a great irony of ignorance in human history that while trying boldly and shamelessly to deceive and manipulate the led, ambitious men and women since ages misrepresented the dual nature and dialectical implications of CHRIST, as Heavenly ordained Saviour to mankind from complex Satanic web of self-destruction ideologies, by elevating CHRIST human form as incarnated in Jesus Christ the Nazarene, son of Joseph, the Carpenter for matter of divine expression in human language (as presently my lot and burden) to an invocation phenomenon. This is a great tragedy and foundation of ignorance in human developments since about 2013 years ago, which is not the world age as eternity has no time frame, but an era of increased awareness for mankind to rediscover self as the lost being or lamb in a deep spiritual orderliness. All the Biblical parables of JESUS the Christ has pointed to this harsh reality of mankind physical form as the lost sheep and ageless dictum has been “man, know thyself”. Jesus the Christ, the Nazarene, as God-Head incarnate of his time and Messiahship expression, came into the world, lived and existed as a mortal being. He had his parent, heritage, siblings and peers like me and you. However, fulfilled prophecies of his birth, death and resurrection offered a viewpoint into the unquantifiable spiritual nature of tiny earthman as microcosm of God Almighty, the Creator of the Universe. Indeed, we mortals are like pencils in the hands of God Almighty. He chooses and fires accordingly. Without my explosive spiritual encounter, where He proclaimed me the CHRIST to the world, I would not have journeyed into the archives of mankind ageless sojourn on earth by clarifying contemporary global developments. The world is in deep moral crisis and spiritual quagmire but in obedient to a divine call; I have documented Divine Judgment Series as a road map to show the light (lux fiat) as the world journeys into eternity. The ongoing carnage in Syria and Egypt for an instance, among others is mind bogging. But developments in Nigeria landscape, social, religious and political offers a veritable platform to judge the world of man agelessly ruled on satanic instinct drive, poor leadership and deep moral crisis of an absurd spiritual fountain as an inspiration. Visit: ebunuudo and share across the world.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 18:02:33 +0000

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