A Promise Never Forgotten Today at the masjid I ran across the - TopicsExpress


A Promise Never Forgotten Today at the masjid I ran across the son of a friend of my moms. He lived some 30 miles away and had no ride home... And he was going to walk so I offered to take him home. I didnt know that he lived near where I grew up in Hopkins. I took him home and all the time I thought to myself this kid was gonna walk this whole way home. On my way back memories began to flood back into my mind. I remembered growing up almost all of my childhood poor. I remember being hungry chunks of the time and I remember not having clothes that fit or shoes that stayed together when it came time to go to school. I remember my mom begging the electric man to not cut the power off because she had kids... 10 of us. I remember her getting a job in downtown Columbia for a man that would barely pay her anything... And her driving a 30 year old car, the same distance, with no working inside lights just to take care of us. I remember that feeling of absolute utter despair looking into the eyes of my brothers and sisters... With no hope of what tomorrow would bring. I remember promising Allah that if He changed just this one thing that I would forever be grateful..... And from that point in time I never looked back and work has always been easy. My lifes beginning made me what I am and it made me painfully sensitive to what life is for some people... Even now I work and keep for myself just what will keep a roof over my head, food, clothing and something to drive... Anything more and I feel a great sense of guilt... Because even to this day I still remember what life felt like... And it bothers me that other people should feel like that while I recline in ease. Sometimes it takes a rough beginning for one to appreciate the very basic gifts of life.... And to this day I am extremely shy to my mothers requests... When she has to ask me for anything... I feel greatly embarrassed... I feel like a worthless person just for her to feel like she ever has to even ask....
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:59:17 +0000

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