A Republican war on women??? Veronique de Rugy, Mercatus - TopicsExpress


A Republican war on women??? Veronique de Rugy, Mercatus Center, @veroderugy, in re: The most recent employment reports show that 67% of new jobs created this year are part-time jobs. The economist Veronique de Rugy analyzed the problem of under-employment in her latest post for National Review’s The Corner. Her findings included the following: - Under-employment of the labor force is visible not only in the shorter hours people are working, but also in the kinds of jobs theyre getting. - Women have seen some advances on the job front, but the gains have primarily been in lower-skilled and lower-paying industries. - Workers discouraged by under-employment, particularly women, continue to drop out of the labor force. - Current government policies of handouts and benefits are destroying incentives to work. When women don’t drop out entirely, they outpace men in getting jobs, but under-$10-an-hour jobs. Adding to ec problem is the uncertainty: debt, excessive spending; people understand instinctively it’ll lead to more taxes; another big factor is Obamacare, which makes the cost of hiring very high. In the 1980s, women were a major factor in increasing the labor force. LK: If you pay someone not to work, they won’t. How much of this is federal funding? VdR: A big part. Esp in Europe. LK: Women in low paying jobs were a huge part of Obamas voting constituency – but hes done zilch for this group. VdR: Agree – also young people, in low-paying and part-time jobs. Shoudnt think, Oh thisll get better later because 70& % of job growth occurs in the first ten years of your working life. Nobelist economist points out that the generous Euro welfare system generates Europeans working less. nationalreview/corner/358954/under-employed-nation-veronique-de-rugy
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 01:43:41 +0000

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