"A SALUTE TO MY TEACHERS: SINCERITY ALWAYS PAYS"---- Dr. Nitovi Shiku. It’s an amazing journey of life from scrambling ABC to Thesis writing for Post Graduation Degree. It’s just an overwhelming experience to look back how far had I travelled with different stages of my life journey as a student. Had it not for Good Lord who provided faithful, dedicated, committed and sincere teachers at every steps and stages to guide me and mould me, I really don’t know what I would have become?. I am sure every great leader today, successful entrepreneurs, officers, scholars and even the great teachers themselves had been a student themselves and they had their own hero teachers to bow to say thank you Sir. It pains me to great extent that every year when HSLC result is declared, blames always throw to teachers especially to government school teachers but no one really seems to take time to ponder a thought and critically analyze the real root cause of such unfortunate poor result of government schools. It appears that nobody seem to come forward to do some damage control exercise thinking that it’s not I, not me, but soaked with somebody should do theory. Wrestling match of blaming and defending will not help and bring any better changes at all; it’s all utterly pointless and useless. To be honest, any unfavorable outcome today as far as poor result is concern, is nothing but an added issues of decadal accumulation of unwise action, irresponsible power abuse, indifferent attitude of the leaders and lack of vision in leaders, which had compounded to present inaction leaders. Unfortunately, leaders in the seats blame squarely to teachers without realizing that the very root cause started from them and teachers today in turn blame government without realizing the fact that they can do something with or without government’s action or help. I want to share my thought with three most important groups of change makers; they are Teachers, Leaders in the authority seat and Parents of the students. 1. My beloved teachers: Remember that your sincerity and dedication will never go in vain. God always pays sincere servant. I have vivid memories about my teachers and know most of them even by name especially those teachers of my primary schooling time. Most of them have already retired and most of them are still alive. Today even yourself can testify that worthy teachers do not need explanation, you can simply tell others by seeing their labored fruits. My teachers who were so sacrificial, dedicated and sincere in their duty have been richly blessed by faithful God that from their own offspring good officers and popular leaders have come up even before their retirement but unfortunately, some teachers labored in vain for obvious reason need no explanation. There are certain issues which only teacher themselves can do. Teach your own children by yourself: Why don’t you teach your own children by yourself? Why to leave your children to some unknown hands to teach your precious children? Bible says where there is your treasure there your heart will be. What better treasure do you have than your children? Once you started teaching your child (I meant of your level) in your school, your sacrificial attitude will surely change and other children will also be benefitted from being your child’s classmate. I benefitted hugely from this experience in my time. Don’t ever keep your proxy: Why should your blessings be grasped away by someone. Money is not everything but your work in faith is. If you think you are not gifted as teacher, just resign and let somebody take up as it is not about earning money for your living but about building the nation and generation. Even if your political leaders are blind, you are not blind, do you? Know your student personally: There is no greater inspiration for a student from teachers having ability to identify, develop personal relation and know student as a person and practices teachings than any eloquent, scholarly or philosophical teaching. During my college days, certain professors’ concern about me that I never forget. Whenever I was absent for few days, they would enquire where about me, whether I was sick or something was wrong with me. They even visit me in my hostel. That beautiful attitude I wish every teacher to treasure. Know your subject well before you teach your students: Time is changing and has changed particularly of this generation. Genius teacher prepares and studies the subject twice as much as student. The word home work in fact is for teachers rather than for students. High percentage of school drop out students is reported to be due to bad and unprepared teaching and not for bad building. Ancient philosophers and scholars were the products of under tree teachers and pupils. 2. Leaders of God given authority: As already mentioned, any unfavorable outcome today as far as poor result is concern, is nothing but an added issues of decadal accumulation of unwise action, irresponsible power abuse, indifferent attitude of the leaders and lack of vision in leaders, which had compounded to present inaction leaders. Never mind leaders, this accumulated tasks can not be swept away by magic wands in an overnight but something has to be started when you are in power (I don’t meant politically ruling party). Who knows this herculean task is meant by God for you (Read Esther 4:14). Leave Teacher Alone for the sake of student: The very root cause of neglecting government schools in Nagaland is the resultant of ill practice of Election system. Ever since election is introduced in Nagaland, the winning candidate used the power of transfer to government servants as a weapon of punishment to consolidate their vote bank. Mind you in those days, government L.P School teachers were the only or major force of government employees. Transferring teachers in the mid academic season and non replacement in time, transfer out with post, attachment of teachers with Minister or MLA or headquarter office, random and biased appointments are the major root cause of national disaster as far as education is concern. Let the people appreciate you and blessed you because of your good work. Respect their right to vote whom ever they wish but leave alone teachers for the sake of students even if they don’t vote for you. Exercise your power to terminate any unworthy teachers if any, even if they might be from your blood line. Don’t appoint a person as a teacher solely based on solving his/her unemployment sort of problems or through politically biased. Never expect to build a civilized nation by a builder who is of questionable character. No amount of excuses can pardon you if you don’t have vision for young growing generation and even for that matter for those who are yet to be born. Never preach for a change if you don’t have an attitude of concern for those unfortunate children who can not afford conventional education system and visionary appetite for changing education system in Nagaland. Issue is not just poor HSLC result, it is an issue of generation gap, an issue of right to equality, an issue of deprivation of Right to Education and Right to opportunity, an issue of raising social evils and problems, an issue of national man-made disaster and an issue of irresponsibility on the part of power holders. Your worth is not who you are or what you have, not even what you know but what God has made of you and what others have become because of you. 3. Parents of the students: Two-third of the children’s time in 24 hours is spent with parents and hardly just one part in 24 hours time is being spent in school. Children are your asset and treasure and not of teachers’ or school owners’. First learning institute for any given child is his/her home. Problem starts when parents think children education and performance is of teachers’ out look or of school owners’ outlook only. Paying fees in time or in advance is not enough my dear parents. At the end of the day, headache and heart breaking will be yours only. Never entrust some one to control your kids when you fail to do your job. Book knowledge and qualification certificate alone is not enough to build a character. From old saying says “when character is lost everything is lost”. Character is build at home. Your children need not only physical nutrition but also need emotional nutrition that is your love, care, concern and quality time with the children. Don’t scold or curse your child because they don’t score highest mark. Learn to appreciate their progress and their interest. Provide guided decision making about their carrier. Alexander the Great said “I don’t take right decision; I make decision and make them right”. Respect your child as well as teachers of your child. Essence of quality education sprouts out from respect. Expect your child to fail in school if you have failed in your part as a parent. When you pray for your children pray also for their teachers and when you bless your children bless their teachers too. You are builder of an individual but teachers are the builder of the nation. Give due honor and respect to worthy performers and achievers.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 19:44:47 +0000

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