A SHOCKING EPISODE AS NARRATED BY Njeri Njiru (HER OWN EXPERIENCE); On Thursday 12th June, 2014, I was leaving a salon at T-Mall, Nairobi West at around 8.20 p.m. On reaching my car, when I touched the handle there was a slippery substance that felt like jelly but was odorless. As I looked around I noticed the security guard talking to a group of four men and two suspicious men rushing to their vehicle almost at the same time with me. My instincts told me immediately that something was going on but I shook it off, got into the car, used wet wipes to wipe off the ‘Sticky’ substance and drove out of the parking. I noticed on the road there was this silver Toyota NZE that was driving very close to me and on reaching the South C flyover on Mombasa road, the drug had started taking effect and I began feeling nauseous and drowsy. With survival instincts fully turned on, I did my best to get to Uchumi Capital Centre at full speed, held the guards hand at the entrance and gave them my husband’s number before everything went blank. The next thing I remember is being in the hospital with my husband by my side and a drip tube on my hand two hours later. The doctor told us that I was poisoned by an extremely lucrative drug that knocks one sense’s out within minutes. On discharge he gave me a drug to counter the effects and the next day we reported the matter to Langata police station. Of course the people responsible may have done it before and succeeded. I am honestly not sure what they were after but they sure did not get it. By coming forward I could very well be providing a missing piece of information to help find these scumbags and send them down and stop them from attacking anyone else. When I think about the whole ordeal, my heart starts racing and I get lightheaded but I also feel very lucky to be alive today. My advice, please be VIGILANT when driving, especially Ladies, either driving alone or with small children, need to be extra careful. Unfortunately, predators tend to target women as easy prey. Share this story with everyone you know so you can protect your loved ones! SHARE WIDELY TO SAVE OTHERS!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 13:43:08 +0000

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