A VERY HUMBLE AND MODEST REQUEST TO THE ADMIN OF THIS PAGE Once you see any incriminating content by any of the members please remove their access to the page IMMEDIATELY. This should be applied across all sects and religions. Dear brothers and sisters, Please contain your emotions for we are in a very long drawn battle that might take years and more. I appeal to all mindful members not to pay heed to provocative statements. Just focus on how we can contribute at this point in time and sustain our vigor and passion for the future as its going to be dark and grim with the onset of winter. If we just introspect and realize that even a kind work can heal someones battered psyche. This is the least that can be done. How to help and ameliorate a single familys affairs and converting that into action by whatever means we have, should be part of our daily routine. Just as we make plan for the day or week for achieving targets at office/business, similarly we should set personal targets for ourselves.The smaller the target the more achievable it is like sponsoring kids education, helping a cart-wheeler to set up his business. There can be many more ways smaller and effective we can think of . Please channelize your energy and efforts positively for the cause and do not get into the rut of calling names and stooping low.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 18:12:49 +0000

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