A comedy where they analyze an episode of de wereld draait door , - TopicsExpress


A comedy where they analyze an episode of de wereld draait door , it carries a very important life lesson (if you ask me) ; Yesterday I watched a video made by VPRO (of which tegenlicht is part) about a popular dutch talk show. The talk show is named ‘de wereld draait door’. In this video it is clearly demonstrated how the structure of the DWDD manipulates the contempt of the talk show. How the commercial focus of the DWDD of having as much viewers as possible literally destroys any relevant contempt or relevant discussions/debates of the show. It is clearly demonstrated in this video how DWDD falsely portrays itself as a cultural program, and they do this in a relative humoristic way. In this fragment you can see how they manipulate the discussion to make it more sensational and suppress the artist and it’s true purpose / message he carries with its art. To bad the video is in Dutch, still I typed it in English because I just wanted to tell / state that commercial/popular talk shows or anything commercial for that matter are mostly harmful for public debates. Commercial shows/music/products are mainly about the art of deception rather than the true art of expression. I am not saying DWDD is a bad show, just trying to show you what kind of hallow show it is (maybe it is good to have such shows , but the problem is they present themselves as something they are not). Anything that is setup commercially (focusses on many viewers) is mostly based on manipulation. you see these psychological/manipulative tricks being applied in marketing as well. My tip is this ; is what you are watching / giving your attention on a daily bases made for a reason? Is it there because they want to tell / teach you something? In other words is there a meaning to what you are watching? Or is it there to entertain/ earn money/ be as big as possible? Because this is not an exception every commercial project uses psychological manipulation to give you short and brainless entertainment. It is bad for your personal development/creative thinking. And believe me just as bad as this talkshow is set up , so are a great many big newsmedia.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 16:44:56 +0000

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