A day doesn’t pass by without westerners being bombarded with - TopicsExpress


A day doesn’t pass by without westerners being bombarded with barbaric images of Islamic jihadists and their insatiable blood lust. Much of their unquenchable appetite is explained within the policy paper Islam and Blood, and its essence is without parallel. Having participated in its review process was a distinct honor. An eye-opener and a jaw-dropper, even for someone steeped in said murky terrain. IN fact, well before 9/11/01, whereas most westerners refused to recognize the dangers from Islam’s core, this investigative journalist understood what’s what. And being that Israel has been battling Islamic jihad from time immemorial, it was no wonder that the assassination, in 1990, of American-Israeli Rabbi Meir Kahane, was seen (on this end) for what it was; the opening act of Islamic jihad on U.S. soil! Most were clueless, even law enforcement. Ever since the horrific public assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane at the Marriott Hotel in New York City in 1990, there has been a small, yet vocal group of individuals trying to get certain US authorities – both state and federal – to pay attention to his murder. Their many entreaties both for personal justice and for a wider investigation fell on deaf ears. Nonetheless, the ramifications from the inaction of these US authorities can no longer be ignored. This small group’s personal pain at the rabbi’s cold-blooded assassination fueled their initial anguished pleas. However, there was much more underlying their silenced screams. Just as surely as night follows day, they were convinced about one glaring aspect of Rabbi Kahane’s murder: it was the opening salvo by Islamic terrorists in their ongoing war against the US, perpetrated on US soil. Previously, during the 1970s and the 1980s, the Islamists shot several devastating hits aimed at US interests overseas. Not this time. The logical conclusion that Rabbi Kahane’s supporters drew from his murder was crystal clear. Strangely, it coincided with the assessment of the Islamic jihad: if they can eliminate a problematic “radical” rabbi (their first victim of choice) on US soil and get away with it, then the hitherto invincible and impenetrable US would become open for their jihad. The Islamists counted on the US authorities turning a blind eye to their intentions; and their assumptions proved demonstrably and deadly accurate. Rabbi Kahane’s assassin was an Egyptian named El-Said Nosair. Soon after the murder, the investigating authorities found among Nosair’s belongings many boxes of Arabic writings, which for years were inexplicably not translated. Unbelievably, they included detailed plans for the upcoming 1993 World Trade Center bombings. In addition, Nosair was also a protege of Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman, the internationally infamous “blind sheikh” from a Jersey City mosque, convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Furthermore, the gun used to kill Rabbi Kahane was given to him by Wadith El-Hage, a member of Al-Qaeda, who was convicted for the 1998 US embassy bombings. Significantly, in March 1997, an Egyptian Muslim opened fire at more than a dozen people who were congregated on the rooftop of the Empire State Building for a sightseeing visit. Three years later, in the fall of 2000, the USS Cole was attacked, albeit overseas. The nexus to this Islamic hydra was growing exponentially (the above are only some examples of their lethal attacks on US soil and US interests overseas), yet US investigative authorities kept undeniably missing the links. The catastrophic attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the US Pentagon were a direct culmination of their blindness. However, from day one after Rabbi Kahane’s murder, his supporters besieged US authorities to view it as an Islamic act of jihad. But to no avail. Coincidentally, Rabbi Kahane’s personal lawyer, Mr. Shannon Taylor, was also at his side when he was gunned down. In fact, he collapsed at Mr. Taylor’s feet. He never imagined that the camera he brought along to take pictures of the gathering at the Marriott Hotel would later be used to take photos of a dying Rabbi Kahane. These pictures were taken to compile evidence for eventual prosecutorial purposes. In fact, these same images were the ones which circulated all over the world right after the murder. Immediately, Mr. Taylor approached the local New York office of the FBI and the US Attorney General’s office with sources of information. Acclaimed terror investigator Steve Emerson produced a documentary, Jihad in America, that exposed that the FBI had buried moles and spies deep within some of the Islamic terror cells. However, no tangible results on Rabbi Kahane’s murder were forthcoming from the FBI. Coincidentally, Mr. Taylor had the occasion to speak with the newly retired CIA head, William Sessions. Mr. Taylor was flabbergasted to learn that Mr. Sessions never saw the crime scene pictures taken of Rabbi Kahane’s murder. This should have been the first order of business, to hand over the pictures to the head of the CIA. After all, that was a logical conclusion to make when Islamic terrorists were being pursued. What was later revealed, though, managed to fill in the blanks as to why no results were forthcoming in Rabbi Kahane’s assassination investigation. In a nutshell, the FBI was not only taken off Rabbi Kahane’s case, but all Islamic “infiltrating” was halted. President Clinton ordered the CIA, and the CIA then demanded that the FBI cease and desist. The Congress also put the squeeze on the FBI. Why? The true motives are anyone’s guess. However, from 1990 until the 1993 first World Trade Center bombing, these groups were not monitored. Fifteen years after Rabbi Kahane’s murder, National Geographic, much to their credit, finally connected the most undeniable and intrinsic dot in their very well-documented four-part series entitled Inside 9/11. The focus of their documentary was on a timeline of the Islamic jihad against the US. Lo and behold, they concluded, much like Kahane’s supporters, that Rabbi Kahane’s assassination was the opening of jihad on US soil. This documentary was deemed so important and so relevant that it was made available free of charge to those areas that do not have access to the National Geographic cable channel. One needn’t be a cynic or a conspiracy theorist to make one salient observation: Kahane’s murder (that of an often-maligned rabbi, deemed a “radical” and a “racist”), and the lack of a proper investigation into its cause, was of very little import to most. This was especially the case in the non-Jewish communities, and, to a certain extent, in the Jewish communities both in the US and in Israel. Imagine that. It took fifteen years, and thousands of deaths, to finally point out what should have been obvious to all. That is, that the opening shot fired by the Islamic jihadis on US soil was Rabbi Kahane’s assassination, and that the jihad is ongoing – with no end in sight. Countless lives could have been spared if the investigation into Rabbi Kahane’s murder had been given the priority and attention it deserved. It most assuredly would have led investigators to an overarching Islamic jihad plot against the US. Now that the politically incorrect blinders have (somewhat) been taken off, we can only hope and pray that the US authorities will pursue in earnest the Islamic jihadis, regardless of who is killed, and despite where the investigation leads them. May Rabbi Kahane’s memory be for a blessing. BUT while frontal jihad is easy peasy to recognize, not so with its twin counterpart, stealth. BASICALLY, Sunni Islam’s spearhead of jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia, is divided into two tiers; frontal and stealth. Wolff Bachner: After the Muslim Brotherhood took control of the government in Egypt, despite their constant promises that they had no interest in holding political office or influencing Egypt’s elections, we began to see and hear a new expression used to describe their activities; Stealth Jihad. What is Stealth Jihad and how is the Muslim Brotherhood using this powerful new weapon to achieve their goals? Adina Kutnicki: Wolff, you are obviously up to speed on your Islamic verbiage. Definitely, Stealth Jihad is a mandatory concept to master. So, in order to follow the winding, often unfamiliar terrain attributed to Islam’s thrust into the west, its essence must be adequately explored. It revolves around the ability of dedicated Islamists to fly below the (communal/national) radar, but only until the Islamic community is strong enough – both politically, economically and otherwise – to emerge from the shadows. Operating out of full view affords anonymity, yet allows jihadists to build up as many war chests as possible. Two key components are monetary bases and hidden terror cells. They must be ready and prepared to spring into frontal action, if necessary. As a matter of record, staying burrowed for years is often a requirement. As is said, “hiding in plain sight” is more than a saying to Islamists. It is an actual method of jihad! SIMILARLY, Shia Islam adheres to the same war-tactics, yet their organized structure is somewhat more circumspect. Regardless, they are equally deadly. ALONG said (conquering) vein it is acknowledged – via “The Plan” - that differing tactics are mandated for varied situations. Nevertheless, for Islam to reign supreme its phases must be adhered to. Americans, westerners, imbibe “the plan”, as laid out in the above link. It’s THAT important. INDEED, generally, Muslims tend to have larger families than westerners. Yes, there are peaks and valleys to their birth stats, but this doesn’t change the facts posed by their swelling numbers into America and Europe. One of the first to recognize the “immigration weapon” was Bat Y’eor . She sent out a clarion call, plus other related truths. JUMPING on the bandwagon, some have recently taken note but this site has been doing the heavy lifting since its inception in 2012.They belatedly agree: there is a secret (immigration) weapon to take over America! Better late than never. FOR a realistic look into the near future, this embedded video demonstrates what is in store for Europe – as the situation stands – by 2029. America is right behind in its devastation. CONSEQUENTIALLY, with Islamists swathing across the Mid East & Africa, Obama Inc. is putting out the largest immigration welcome mat for their influx, even those who are known to have less than six degrees of separation to terror! ON the other hand, fleeing Christians are NOT wanted by Obama Inc. “Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected 200,000 to 250,000 refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq. The Obama regime has been greasing the skids for the Syrian Muslim refugees for months, and the refugees will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S.” COUPLE this knowledge base with scores of Muslims crossing illegally into America, well, to not recognize the “immigration weapon” is to render oneself comatose. YES, it is all part of a DIRECT Islamic directive from the top of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia to their (many millions) completely obedient foot soldiers: take over the west via an immigration implosion! They understand full well that the Shariah States of America will then become a fait accompli, and they have no hesitation to slaughter many millions of “stubborn” Americans to accomplish their goal. Simple as that. AMERICANS/westerners, be forewarned. Just as millions upon millions (worldwide) mobilize to protest cartoons, movies or any perceived slight to their pedophile Mohamed, so too they pay strict obedience/allegiance to directives which will bring them closer to resurrecting the Caliphate. Destroying America (and Israel) is part and parcel thereof. Understood? MDII-graphics-webready-99 Share this:
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 07:49:16 +0000

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