A few days ago I wrote, saying that I would do a little feature on - TopicsExpress


A few days ago I wrote, saying that I would do a little feature on the wonderful character actress, PHYLLIS KENNEDY. MS KENNEDY was born in 1914, and upon finishing her schooling, she headed for New York where gained employment in a Department Store. A friend suggested she try out for the Play, Jane Eyre, and so she gave it a shot. Much to her surprise, she was hired and gained a small speaking role. That was all it took. Now, as a child she had taken some dance lessons; but now she was beginning to think seriously about a career in theatre. It seems to me that HERMES told me he met PHYLLIS in New York before either of them decided to come West. But in either case, eventually both of them traveled to Hollywood for the possibility of some work in film. HERMES, of course, ultimately became FRED ASTAIRES favourite Choreographer; and in 1937, PHYLLIS was hired for her first screen role. Both ended up at RKO at one point. HERMES for the FRED & GINGER pictures (among others) and PHYLLIS, playing Hattie in Stage Door. Through the years, the friends saw, and worked with each other from time to time. Just the other day, I viewed Coney Island, with BETTY GRABLE. PHYLLIS plays BETTYS friend, Dolly; while HERMES not only Choreographs the film, he even does a wonderful routine with BETTY. I think Ive mentioned before that PAN and BETTY became the closest of friends. I dont think I was ever with HERMES but what he would tell a story about BETTY. And, if you were lucky, and he was in a good mood (when wasnt he?) he would do The Betty Grable Walk for you. Now, PHYLLIS managed to get work through the years, but she never achieved any kind of stardom or real recognition; which I find very odd, as she was quite unique, and VERY funny. I know Ive told you of HERMES always hiring his old pals. Just as I witnessed GEORGE CUKOR doing the same thing. When I achieved the position to hire my dancers, I did the same thing. And so, from time to time, PAN would call PHYLLIS in for some bit of business. And I finally met MS KENNEDY when we did My Fair Lady. There wasnt a whole lot for PHYLLIS to do; but what she did was perfect, and brilliant. I noticed then, that some of these older players came to life again, once they were called, and told they were needed. It was a real treat for me to work with these people. I had laughed at PHYLLIS performance in Stage Door, and now, here I was, working with her. She was charming, delightful, and great fun. I do believe that shortly after Fair Lady, PHYLLIS retired. She never married, loved do her painting, and enjoyed the wonderful friendships shed made over the years. She never seemed bitter that things didnt work out more successfully. Rather, she seemed to enjoy each day with all the new experiences it would bring her. If you didnt know who she was before......Im very happy to introduce you to her now. Watch for her work. She was MOST entertaining.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:19:19 +0000

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