A few pics as I visit the plant stand and prepare to do a little - TopicsExpress


A few pics as I visit the plant stand and prepare to do a little grooming and filling of water reservoirs. Photo 1: Robs Antique Rose. Fifteen blossoms opened. Counted seven more buds ready to do their stuff. Photo 2: 1 of 3 young plants of Blue Dragon. Growing bigger and bigger. Ready for the next larger sized pot. Photo 3: Yes, my Optimara Chico which I have grown from a leaf decided to do a little sporting on its own. Nicknamed Wes, after Wes Carter and it is proving to live up to its namesake in being a little outside the box. Photo 4: Trailers appear happy at the moment. Please dont report me to the AVSA for trailer abuse! Photo 5: Two of my S. Rupicola plants, doing their stuff at the moment. Im thinking or repotting to the next larger sized pot. Photo 6: Rebels Rose Bud. Sentenced to life with out buds or blossoms and reprimanded to grow, grow, grow. Of course, it would probably appreciate the removal of a leaf or two and I shall comply, at some point today. Happy growing!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 17:25:53 +0000

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