A great cataclysm strikes humanity. In what we know as what would - TopicsExpress


A great cataclysm strikes humanity. In what we know as what would be the 27th century, North America has descended into a dark age of feudalism. Kings name their daughters Pepsi, the dominating Tribes of the Mouse in Floridia had no way of knowing who Mickey was, presuming him to be a great warrior, or religious leader in a grand castle. The tribes of Minnesota worship the old gods of their Norse ancestors. Catholicism and Protestantism seldom exist in this age. The Holy Columbian Confederacy survives, dominated by the evangelical faith. Southern and deep Southern culture is now known as Southron. The petty fiefdoms of New England worship a deity known as the Almighty Dollar - consumerism is their faith, and way of life. The Quebecois lost contact with Rome, centuries prior. Turning to the order of Saint Ursuline for leadership. Mercenary warbands for hire take the names of old world sports teams, and there are rumours whispering over the land of a foreign invader not from this continent...men in red coats have appeared from across the sea, claiming dominion over the kingdoms and empires of North America, from a place known as Albion.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 22:28:35 +0000

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