A letter I just received from my friend Bob Tiffany. I worked with - TopicsExpress


A letter I just received from my friend Bob Tiffany. I worked with Bob for 14 years at the Rockingham County Sheriffs Ofice, NH. Bob is a very thoughtful hard working guy. He now lives in Alton NH on top of a Mountain, retired with his wife Fay. KC ( My latest letter to the editor) As I write this on 11/22/2013, I cant help remembering where I was 50 years ago. I was at an auto parts store making a purchase, waiting for the clerk to ring up the sale and make change. Along side the cash register was a small brown plastic table radio, tuned to a local AM station, making the normal raucous static each time a register or adding machine was activated. With the news that the President of the USA had been shot the static stopped. Dead silence enveloped the store except for the voice coming from that tiny plastic box. Nobody spoke, no sales were added up or rung up, and no one moved for several minutes. One of the clerks finally broke the silence with an expletive of disbelief, followed by others from those of us present. Do you remember where you were ? My most memorable recollection of JFK was when he said, in part, ....ask what you can do for your country. 50 years later and with great sadness I have been transported to a place where we now ask What can I get for free from my country, and how much. I have watched as we morphed from a self dependent, high work ethic, responsible citizenry, to a self centered, entitlement minded, not-my- fault crowd, who are consumed with numb-thumbing their fondle-slabs on a social media site. I believe this started when LBJ was sworn in on Air force One. President Johnson was an advocate of the Great Society, and diametrically opposed to President Kennedys admonition. His embrace of the disastrous failed policies of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt placed us firmly on a path to repeat them. The past 50 years have given us hundreds of Government Programs. All at enormous cost, notoriously inefficient, overlapping and wasteful. Implementation has required hiring hundreds of thousands of drones to shuffle paper, create regulations, and promulgate more of the same. They assure their tenure by devising schemes to make more people dependent on their programs, and seemingly engineering the systems to enable easier scamming and gaming. The latest and most notable is the roll out of the boondoggle to buy 50 Million new conscripted Democrats - Obamacare. This albatross of unworkable utopian doo-doo was fed to low information voters by a series of misrepresentations, half truths, wishful promises and outright lies, with the implicit help of the lame stream media. Thousands of voices from the people, the medical community, the insurance community, the business community, and economists were ignored, slandered, silenced, or demonized by the media with the help of politicians. It was passed in the Senate, unread, with dubious parliamentary skullduggery, by mental midgets, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, on Christmas Eve. Nancy Pelosi proudly proclaimed We need to pass it to find out what is in it. She just described a stool sample, which ironically is what the bill is proving to be. When Mitt Romney pointed out that 47% of the population pays no income tax the establishment panicked. It alerted them that their 51+% dependency goal was in dire threat. If you rob Peter to pay Paul you can be assured that Paul will vote for you. Their tenuous hold on power depends on Paul being a majority. It required full speed ahead to encourage, convert, create, or even import more Paul type voters. What they developed and forced into law was their ultimate plan, Too many sponges - Too little water. To finance this pile of male bovine effluent they decided to steal water from the states by shifting more patients to Medicaid. Fortunately for the State of New Hampshire we still have a modicum of sensibility in the State Senate. Last night they voted down this latest crap-shoot idea of adding 50,000 more sponges to our Medicaid pool. I am more firmly convinced than I have ever been, that the smoke and mirrors, and the shell game of Federal/State/Subsidy funding, has us on the rocky road to ruin. If you were not living to hear the news on that fateful day 50 years ago, I feel sorry for you, you never experienced the wonderful country that America once was. Happy Thanksgiving ! Robert Tiffany 102 Lockes Corner Road Alton, NH
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:09:05 +0000

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