A letter to Tsvangirai, by Nickros Kajengo Chairman of Patriotic - TopicsExpress


A letter to Tsvangirai, by Nickros Kajengo Chairman of Patriotic and Revolutionary Youth of Zimbabwe Org. What say you Cdes and friends? Lets dissect this issue. 28 September 2014 To MDC-T Att: Morgan Tsvangirai Ref:Revolutionary letter/ Warning on llegal demonstrations. This note serves to confirm that the youths under the here mentioned organization are extremely not happy with your plan to disturb peace prevailing in the country. The reason why we are against your illegal and violent demonstrations are as follows: 1.People voted last year freely and fairly recognised by SADC,AU,NAM,UN and the entire world. 2.We are not under economic hardship as you want the world to believe. The challenges that might be there are a result of economic sanctions called by you Morgan Tsvangirai, Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and Your Europeans,Americans and allies. 3.Thousands of People died for Zimbabwe during the first, Second and Third Chimurenga.If you were jingoistic and patriotic why did you not join the true gallans and sons who today are quiet and some died? 4. Demonstrations do not work and under whose philosophy? Is it an African principle or policy??? 5.The economy is gradually growing irrespective of illegal sanctions that are still in place. 6. During your term as PM what did you achieve?I earned $100-00 and now am getting above half of a thousand as net salary. 7.The multi currency was introduced by Honourable Patrick Chinamasa in early 2009. WAY FORWAD: Try it!! You should behave well. You are staying in state mansion yet you are fighting the same government. Hapana hutengesi hunokunda uhu! Please if you want to resign in politics do it. We are not happy at all. Stop disturbing national peace prevailing in the country. Ticharakashana kusvika zvanaka. Kuhondo maivepi?Makauraisa vanhu hobho imi? Hamunzwe tsitsi makaita semi?Chibondo,Nyadzonya,Chimoio,Tembwe,Mugagawu,Mine vana vakafira no. Kwana Morgan. Tichakutswanyai seinda as Youth we will never fold our hands. This note is coming from all youth irrespective of political affiliation. Vabereki wedu wakatadza kudzidza nehondo. Pliz stop all demonstrations. Icho!!!!!!!,!!!, Cc All fallen Heroes Cc Mhondoro dzenyika Ino Cc All patriots
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:31:01 +0000

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