A little lesson I learned from tonights talk: Humans that we are, - TopicsExpress


A little lesson I learned from tonights talk: Humans that we are, it is part of our nature to fall into temptations of sin and be a slave to things we know are bad and wrong, yet pleasurable although temporarily. To do it everyday, becoming a slave to the very things that supposedly guarantee freedom and happiness, becoming an addiction and obsession. Nothing new on that part; whats new, however, is what happens when one tries to untangle the chains to their sins/habits. Yes, were promised of freedom and happiness and greatness and everything else good when we turn over a new leaf or renounce sin or do good for everyone, yet its very hard to accept, comprehend, and follow that one simple truth. Why is that? Why is it hard to stop vulgar language, laziness, lustful actions, and many others knowing that something good might come when we stop? Because we scarcely feel and receive the supposed freedom and happiness, we long for the very things that made us free and happy, though its temporary. A good analogy used was the story of the Exodus through the desert, when people began to grumble against Moses for taking them out of Egypt, where they longed for food etc. though being enslaved; even when God had been sending them manna while traveling to the promised land. Suddenly the memories of sinful actions make it seem attractive to go back to. And because we lack the faith, trust, confidence, and conviction to believe that we will be rewarded and taken care of, we end up retreating to our habits/comfort zones just to feel the temporary/secular freedom and happiness again. No ones perfect, were prone to make mistakes, but that doesnt mean we use that as an excuse to not try and strive to be better. Because if we truly want to be a witness and to be a person of good, we have to own it. We have to desire it.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 03:23:11 +0000

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