A lovE STORY ...RUMESA ALI Chosen a historical relationship - TopicsExpress


A lovE STORY ...RUMESA ALI Chosen a historical relationship between afghnistan and Pakistan. This relationship is simultaneously love and hate, too, is the beginning of hostilities, the friendship is love and hate this angle ..... but not two-way, its a traditional love stories of Hindi films , the triangle story ...... a hero, one of his love, and a villain ... and why Pakistani is telling the story, the hero of this rule will be the same ... .....Their(india,afghan) relationship began, BC, in the era of Ashoka and Alexander the Great had. Then muryaa government, budh religion remains can be seen today in Afghanistan.Between the 10th century to the mid 18th century, northern India has been invaded by a number of invaders based in what today is Afghanistan. Amongst them were the Ghaznavids, Ghurids, Khiljis, Suris, and Durranis. During these eras, especially during the Mughal period (1526–1858), many Afghans began immigrating to India due to political unrest in their regions.Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Khan Sahib were prominent leaders of the Indian independence movement and active supporters of the Indian National Congress. Although the NWFP became part of the Muslim state of Pakistan in 1947, active Pashtun support for the Indian freedom struggle led to great sympathy in India for the cause of Pashtun autonomy and freedom. . ۔Since its birth in Pakistan was fighting for its survival. Civilian and military aid for the procurement in front of us were two centers of power ... background atheists, socialists against the popularity of the Muslim League, and reasons like proximity to India Based on the Prime Ministers visit to the United States shot.India remained on the other side of the universe ..In the early fifties, when Liaquat Ali Khan in the U.S., with his army chief Ayub Khan tried to obtain assistance. At the same time, Indian Prime Minister Nehru, with Russian Romance brainstorming, Non-Aligned organization was headed.The U.S. government officials were smart enough to understand and to very quickly grasp the mediocre leadership of Pakistan.[9] The U.S. government would use the country to achieve regional and strategic goals and interests. When the true nature of U.S. ambition exposed to Prime minister Ali Khan, the prime minister deliberately attempted to warm relations with the Soviet Union and the Soviet bloc, while warning the U.S. that [Pakistan] has annexed half of Kashmir without [A]merican support.... And would be able to take the other half too Ali Khans sudden shift and aggressive mood was a bombshell for President Trumans presidency and for U.S. foreign policy.[ In 1950, President Truman requested Prime minister Ali Khan to provide a military base to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to keep an eye on Soviet Union, which Ali Khan hesitated and later refused, prompting the U.S. to began planning the assassination of Ali Khan to remove him from the countrys politics once and for all.[ However, there are no official evidence[ to support, marking the big question on Ali Khans assassination.[ The Indian government followed a different, non-aligned policy stance, which leaned closer towards the Soviet Union than towards the United States of America. on the other hand Scholarly and historical accounts maintained that Afghanistan had been under the Soviet Unions influence as early as 1919 when Afghanistan began receiving aid to counter the Anglosphere of the United Kingdom. Major Soviet technical assistance, military aid, and economic relations grew in the 1950s followed by the Communist Revolution in the 1970s.Meanwhile, between Pakistan and India, the Gulf of hatred, grown on the brink of war reached ....Pakistan was left badly beaten up by the two wars in which the role of Russia, was a bad boy. Dr. Abdul Qadeer writes in his memoirs when Pakistan broke at 71, so I cried the whole day off room ... it was a reflection of the feelings of all the Pakistanis ... Wish to survive, has turned into obsession.Eat grass, the people making the atom bomb, the eastern border protected, so it was facing west at the red ghost.With the threat to the Afghan communist government, the government invited the Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan which began as midnight approached on 24 December 1979. The USSR organized a massive military airlift into Kabul, involving an estimated 280 transport aircraft and 3 divisions of almost 8,500 men each. Within two days, the Soviet Union had seized control of Afghanistan, first securing Kabul by deploying a special Soviet assault unit against Darulaman Palace, where elements of the Afghan army loyal to Hafizullah Amin put up a fierce, but brief resistance. With Amins death at the palace, Babrak Karmal, exiled leader of the Parcham faction of the PDPA was installed by the Soviets as Afghanistans new head of government.The Republic of India was the only South Asian nation to recognise the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan[ and the Soviet Unions military presence in Afghan territories, and provided humanitarian aid to the country.[1] Following the withdrawal of the Soviet armed forces from Afghanistan in 1989, India continued to support Najibullahs government with humanitarian aid. After its fall, India together with the international community supported the coalition government that took control, but relations and contacts ended with the outbreak of another civil war, which brought to power the Taliban, an Islamist militia supported by PakistanThe destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha monuments by the Taliban led to outrage and angry protests by India, the birthplace of Buddhism.[19] In 1999, the hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 landed and stayed in Kandahar in Afghanistan and the Taliban were suspected of supporting them India became one of the key supporters of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance.During the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, India offered intelligence and other forms of support for the Coalition forces. India has provided US$ 650–750 million in humanitarian and economic aid, making it the largest regional provider of aid for Afghanistan.Key to Indias strategy in Afghanistan is to build up transportation links that bypass Pakistan, helping reduce the Afghan economys dependence on Pakistann 2005, India proposed Afghanistans membership in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)India pursues a policy of close collaboration with countries such as Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Iran in order to bolster its standing as a regional power and contain its rival Pakistan, India has four consulates in Afghanistan. They are located in Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif, Kandahar and Jalalabad...here is a long story and hear it is two thousand fourteen. And there is a new twist in the story ... former teacher at Kabul University have won the Afghan election andndia, considered close Ahmed Shah Masood near friends and advisers, Abdullah .. lost .....Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani, two figures, but the love story behind them is the same as what is changing in time ... Afghan girlfriend, sandwich spread remains .... Pakistan will win this time. ?
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:39:25 +0000

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