A man can train and a man can learn, to fight, weaponry, and skill - TopicsExpress


A man can train and a man can learn, to fight, weaponry, and skill for hostile circumstance, but I find none of those things compare to the understanding of loss, pain and the desperation that evolves from them. Desperation cant be trained for and once aquired it becomes a rigid skill set of personality. Even as a distant memory it always remains. A man that has been nothing and endured the effect of it once can do it again if he feel it holds less pain than he derives from attempting to make things work in the social world around him. Happy people dont shoot the children in the school, desperate people do. Desperate people that have come to understand only the endurance of sadness, pain, loss and want to share it with as much of the world as they can. The question isnt why did they do it, the question is why did we not do anything to understand their desperation and stop it before there was nothing we could do. People reach the end of their rope everyday having lives in disarray, never having learned to cope. Watching a world look on in awe and smug silence, the illusion is that we can still get along. The thriving competitivness of individualism and need for excusivness rather than inclusiveness with no empathy for the difference creates a culture of winners and losers but it can all be taken away in one swift act of desperation. Some days I feel like I understand Stephen Kings concept of scary and other days I feel like I understand Charles Mansons but they are by far two much different ideas.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 18:25:45 +0000

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