A man is receiving a haircut from his barber. The barber and him - TopicsExpress


A man is receiving a haircut from his barber. The barber and him are having a casual conversation, nothing too extraordinary. The barber asks Is that how youd like your hair? The man looks nods his head and says Yeah, but just a little more off the sides. If I do that Ill have to make the back shorter too, just to make it look even, is that alright with you? the barber replied. The man agrees and continues getting his haircut. Does this look better? the barber asked to which the man replied with a subtle yes. The man pays the barber and gives him the usual amount for a tip, about 4 dollars. He leaves with a smile and says joyfully see you around! The barber laughs and says you too! The man got into his car, it was 2:13pm and the appointment lasted a little longer than he anticipated. He pulled up to his driveway and walked into his house. Takes off his shoes, left and then right, slides his jacket off and throws it onto the couch. He walks over to a picture of his wife and looks at it. He stares at it intently for a minute and goes about his routine.Im hungry he thought to himself as he walked into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed some eggs. I think Ill have them scrambled he thought as he pulled out a whisker and bowl. One, two, three. He cracked the eggs into the bowl and whisked away. One-Mississippi two-Mississippi... he counted to himself until reaching his of 15. He checked in the fridge to see if he had milk. He did. He pulled out the milk, unscrewed the top and smelled it. It was okay to consume. He added a splash of it to the eggs and poured himself a glass. Im running low he said out loud to no one in particular. He wrote milk on the grocery list on his refrigerator. He pulled out a pan, put the heat on 2 and added small portion of butter. After a guesstimated amount of time he added the mix. He pulled out a spatula and started to chop the eggs up. Should I add cheese? he thought but then quickly dismissed. He pulled out a plate and guided the eggs onto it. Four shakes of salt, three of pepper. He grabbed a fork and started to eat. As he was eating he thought about his childhood. His mom made really good scrambled eggs, and maybe thats why he grew so accustomed to eating them. He finished his plate and his milk and put them in the sink. Maybe I should do the dishes, theyre piling up in there. he thought staring at a sink filled with assorted eatery. He ran the hot water and squeezed some dish soap onto a sponge. One by one he cleaned the silver ware, then the plates, then the bowls, he repeated this process until there were nothing left in the sink. He thought about his barber. I wonder if hes doing alright, he seemed a bit distant. He has been going to the same barber for five years now, theyve never sat down for coffee or anything but they had great conversations for customer and businessman. Maybe I should give him a call. Maybe not There was no real reason he should call the barber, other than out of kindness, but he doesnt want to seem intrusive either. He argued with himself until the phone rang. Hello? the man asked surprised. It was going on three and it was a Sunday, he wasnt really expecting any calls. Is this the Schmidt residence? No Im sorry I believe you have the wrong number. I apologize, sorry to have wasted your time. He hung up the phone. It was a quarter past three when his wife came home. I was the assembly? he asked to which his wife replied It was great, but you know that Anita girl, she just goes on and on He loved his wife but he really didnt care what she had to say about the folks down at the Baptist church. He was a man of god but he participate in any meetings, he would much rather spend his time else where. He went outside to have a cigarette. As he lit it he thought about his highschool days. He exhaled with an awkward chuckle. By the time he was done his wife was done making coffee. Would you like some dear? No thank you Even though he enjoyed coffee he didnt feel like having a cup right now. He kissed his wife What was that for? she asked as she smiled I havent seen you since eight in the morning, cant a man kiss his wife? he said as they shared a small laugh. His wifes eyes reminded him of his first dog. He jokingly wondered if that was why he fell in love with his wife. He laughed and his wife looked at him confused. Its nothing dear, just thought of something funny.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:35:14 +0000

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